December 2011 Moms

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

How are you spending the day?

 DH, DD, and I have been in Edinburgh all week because of a class DH had to go to for work.  We have had a great week, however, today it is very rainy and with DD's cold I do not want to take her out in this I am currently sitting in our hotel's bathroom bumping and surfing internet while she is napping.

I am very much missing family and Thanksgiving food today!



sibling love  

Re: Happy Thanksgiving!

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    Happy Thanksgiving! I'm sorry you aren't with your family today. That's gotta be really hard. Thank goodness for skype though! Hope you have a great day!

    IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
    5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
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    Happy Thanksgiving! Hope your DD gets over her cold soon!

     We are stuck inside once again. DS and I had colds all week and are just finally feeling a bit better today. We are making our own fabulous meal, just sent DH to get some forgotten groceries. Hoping my family doesn't give me too much grief for missing something yet again. They don't understand that when I say DS can't be around groups of people, that means even family.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Safe travels! 

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    Happy Thanksgiving! 

    I am sorry that you are missing your family, I can understand how you feel. At least there is always Skype, that helps a lot! I hope your DD feels better soon!

    We did the turkey trot this morning and then had our Thanksgiving dinner at home. Just the three of us. I loved it! So cozy and yummy and fun. I hope every Thanksgiving will be like this one from now on :-)  

    DS born 12/2011
    DD born 03/2014

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    Aww thanks everyone :) We ended up leaving Edinburgh yesterday after DH was finished his class.  We had our Thanksgiving dinner when we arrived back in Aberdeen....very British-Meat pies! They were actually quite delicious, but horribly unhealthy! We will celebrate Thanksgiving when my sister is here. E's cold is just about over and all that is left is a yucky cough and some congestion.

    T- I am sorry you had to miss out on Thanksgiving and that family doesn't understand...that stinks! I hope your DS feels better soon too!



    sibling love  

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    Ricola- that sounds like a lovely Thanksgiving :)

    I also got a chance to skype with my family and feel a lot better now.



    sibling love  

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