December 2011 Moms

Christmas tree - when?

When will you put up your Christmas tree? I think we'll probably do it on the first weekend in December this year. I still need to figure out how to dog- and baby proof it!
DS born 12/2011
DD born 03/2014

Re: Christmas tree - when?

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    Day after Thanksgiving like always! No need to break tradition because of a baby...we'll figure out the baby proofing after we see just how interested she is in the tree.
    BFP #2 - MC Aug 2012 - D&C w/ complications
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    Ours has been up for over a week.
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    I live with Mr. Scrooge, so I'm just hoping to first convince him to "babysit" so I can go get the tree in the first place, and then when it comes to getting it inside the house, usually we put it up right around the Feast of St. Nicholas (Dec. 6th) as our unofficial start of the holiday celebration season...
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    I usually do it the Saturday or Sunday after Thanksgiving, but with A's party on the 1st, I'm going to wait until the 2nd because it will take up too much room with the 25 people we have coming.
    AVT - 12.2.11

    LCT - 5.15.14 ~ 9lbs, 22.5 inches

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    Normally I would say December 10th. It's the day after my birthday and when I consider the season officially started. But we'll be in Disney until the 13th so probably a day or two after we get home.

    I'm hoping Charlotte will leave the tree alone. Knowing my kid, she'll probably have all of the ornaments on the floor and be half way up the tree before I can blink.

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    I just finished talking to my mom about this! As is tradition we'll go get our tree on this Saturday morning, and we'll put it up and decorate it later that night. Because my mom and brother will be spending Christmas eve and day with us, they'll be completely involved in our tree fun! So we'll be doing dinner and snacks and watch Polar Express while we decorate the tree.

    That will be our real tree, we'll be putting up and decorating our fake tree that goes in our bedroom on Thanksgiving night, another tradition.

    As for baby proofing, we have a couch and loveseat that make an L in our living room so I'm going to pull them a tad farther apart and put the tree in that open corner so I can put a gate up between the couch corners. As for cat proofing... I have no idea how we'll do that.. he's a wild man and I'm terrified he's going to try and live inside the tree and destroy it.

    Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
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    I usually do it the Saturday or Sunday after Thanksgiving, but with A's party on the 1st, I'm going to wait until the 2nd because it will take up too much room with the 25 people we have coming.

    Hahaha this is why we ultimately decided not to have M's birthday party (also on the 1st) at our house ;)

    It was either that or cut 5-10 people from the guest list.. there was no postponing our tree! 

    Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
    imageLilypie - (qCSN)Lilypie - (5rzN)imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers

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    Day after Thanksgiving.  That's always been the tradition in my family and DH's family. 

    I have no idea how A is going to react, but we'll deal with issues as they come up.  I pulled the Christmas tree down on top of myself when I was a baby (my mom turned her back to answer the phone!), so I figure A can't do much worse than that! 


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    I was afraid that the tree would lose too many needles if we put it up the day after Thanksgiving, since that is so early this year! 

    Maybe we will do it this weekend...hmmm. I am definitely in the mood to decorate and listen to Christmas music already :-) 

    DS born 12/2011
    DD born 03/2014

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    We are getting ours this weekend.  So excited to see DDs face when she sees it all lit and decorated!
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    WinkProbably the first weekend of December. Can't wait! Hope the baby stays away from it
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    We're talking about putting it up this weekend.  I'm hoping we actually end up with time to do it because I can't wait to see LO's reaction.

    ETA:  We're putting the tree in the living room.  DS doesn't get to play in that room so I'm not too worried about baby proofing the tree.  We did get some pretty shatterproof ornaments for the bottom just in case.  If we're having problems with him trying to get to the tree we'll put up our hexagonal pen. 

    OHM born 12/16/11, BAM born 1/10/14, mmc 06/30/15
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    As soon as can convince MH to take me to get one!  :)


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    We actually just decided to wait to put it up after LO's birthday party. We have a smaller house and I don't want to take up all that space! And I like that, at least for this year, we will do a separation of birthday and Christmas. Our tradition was to always put everything up the day after Thanksgiving. I think we're doing outside lights on Friday though!
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