March 2012 Moms

I hate laundry!!!

Not for all the normal reasons but because I always have a couple of pieces of Peyton's clothes that need to go to the outgrown bin. I'm glad he's growing and all but I miss my tiny baby too!

Re: I hate laundry!!!

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    Hubby surprised me yestrday by out of the blue saying how much he is going to miss this stage munchkin is at right now... he is so cuddily and a giggler and loves loooooooooooves his daddy. He is already worried about how he will be as a teenager and whether he won't wanna be near his parents... poor guy. 

    My boys are awesome.. I love watching/listening to them interact on our security cams while I am at work..there is nothing sweeter than listening to my munchkin break out in fits of giggles because hs daddy is tickling him or playing peekaboo or whatever antics they get up to while I am at work.

    I think he is finally beginning to understand why I miss being pregnant .... they grow up way too fast.  I have a huge tub of outgrown clothes and  it was a sad sad day when we had to stop using his favorite bouncer chair. Crying  but as each day comes and goes we have new moments to cherish..and if they didn't grow we'd never have those moments.Gift
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