Natural Birth

For those of you who went natural.. advice?

As my EDD approaches (tomorrow!!), I am trying to do all that I can to better prepare myself for a med free birth. I'm planning on delivering at a birth center, so unless I transfer to the hospital, drugs won't be an option for me. I have been listening to the hypnobabies positive pregnancy affirmations almost daily so I don't have a ton of fear but I haven't been so good about doing the daily hypnosis practice.

For those of you who gave birth naturally, what's the one thing you recommend I do in preparation for birthing, if anything? Any other advice for me as my day approaches (hopefully soon!!)?


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Re: For those of you who went natural.. advice?

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    I took hypnobirthing too and didn't practice much.  I really think that knowing what you will go through is normal and natural helps a ton.  Although it was intense and painful for me, never once did I panic.  Just keep calm and know you are prepared for this.

    Also, trust your body.  Look for the signs that are in transition.  At one point when I still thought I was early on in my labor (at home), I told my DH that  "I might think about getting the epidural once we get to the hospital".  I was actually in son was born less than 2 hours later. When they checked me in triage at the hospital, I was complete and ready to push...and then I knew I could finish the job.

    and having a support person that is 100%on board with your birth preferences is so important.  Him being calm and helpful during labor eloped to keep me calm and relaxed.

     You will do are prepared.  Good luck!

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    You can do it!!  The big thing I did was surround myself with supportive people.  My DH was totally on board with a natural birth and I had a doula as well.  Throughout my labor they were encouraging and supportive.  They helped me get through each contraction and made me feel like I was doing an amazing job.

    I also recommend you listen to your body.  You will subconsciously know what to do.  I had a hospital delivery but labored at home.  I remember that after 8 hours I was ready to go to the hospital.  My DH told me we should stay home a little longer.  I told him I was ready to go now because I did not want to be in transition on the way to the hospital.  The hospital was a 10 min drive away and as soon as we got there my water broke.  I dilated to 10 cm and pushed my LO out within 2 hours. Follow your instincts and you will do a great job!

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    I had a birth center birth. I would recomend preparing yourself for both a marathon [12 plus hours] and a speedy [less than 6 hours] birth. I wish I had done more research on speedy births and how to process the speed. From my first contraction to delivery of my son was only 5 hours. I was still mentally processing being in labor when it was time to start pushing. It took me a couple of days to sort through how I felt about the speed of his birth.

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    I had a homebirth and my midwife was very surprised that I had only a 4 hour first time labor.  I never took any classes but read Ina May's Childbirth book and I remember reading in it about never tightening up your mouth and how arm wrestling could speed up labor (because you can't tighten your cervix when arm wrestling).  Anyways the only thing I can think of why my labor was so smooth was I just kept doing those things (plus I would keep saying to myself "I'm going to get big"- funny I know).  I'm a petite girl and my husband is very much in shape and I can remember beating him a few times and yelling at him to stop letting me win and he is still very insistant that he never allowed me to win. 
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    What helped me a lot of watching home births on youtube, but I know that can either freak people out or help them.
    Mommy to Emery Vera 5.20.12  Blog
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    Water!! The tub is your new best friend!! And, realize that when you are saying "I can't do it anymore" that you are very close to the end. Breath- relax your body and mind- go inside yourself and get through that last little bit.
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    Supportive people. That was the big one for me. Don't let people near you that don't agree (and will voice their opinion) with your birth plan. 
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    Just know that you can do it! We didn't take any classes, but I prepared myself mentally by telling myself I am strong and can handle it. This is what your body is made to do. I had a "go with the flow" attitude when talking with the doc also so I didn't guilty or disappointed if I wasn't able to go med-free safely. I think that helped relieve a lot of tension and stress.

    Walk as much as you can...definitely helped build my stamina. Good luck mama!

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    For me the biggest thing was really convincing myself I could do it.  (I had a 23 hour labor with pitocin and and epi with DS1.  It took a lot of convining that I would be able to have DS2 in an entirely different way, but I did.)

    Also I second surrounding yourself with supportive people.  Everyone from my OB to DH to even the L&D nurse by the end was cheering me on and telling me what a good job I was doing.  Without that, I may have caved and got meds. 

    Finally try some positive visualization.  You know like sports stars visualize themselves scoring or making a good play?  Visualize yourself delivering how you want to.  Yes, some things may not go exactly as you visualize, but I think having a positive attitude and a clear idea of what you want to have happen makes a big difference in your attitude once the pain starts.

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    I had a homebirth and my midwife was very surprised that I had only a 4 hour first time labor.  I never took any classes but read Ina May's Childbirth book and I remember reading in it about never tightening up your mouth and how arm wrestling could speed up labor (because you can't tighten your cervix when arm wrestling).  Anyways the only thing I can think of why my labor was so smooth was I just kept doing those things (plus I would keep saying to myself "I'm going to get big"- funny I know).  I'm a petite girl and my husband is very much in shape and I can remember beating him a few times and yelling at him to stop letting me win and he is still very insistant that he never allowed me to win. 

     I have the arm wrestling in my birth plan LOL! I also read Ina May's Childbirth book and I am taking a lot of what I read in this book into my own mindset. I still have time to decide on some prental classes, but with all the reading and research DH and I have been doing, I feel confident enough to trust my own body and surrender to my own intuition.  It's a team effort for you and LO and keeping calm will be the #1 focus.



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     You will subconsciously know what to do. 

    While I agree with much of what pp have said, I vehemently disagree with the above. With J. I had horrible back labor. And eventually it (though I didn't think it could) got even worse. And after dealing with it for a while, I said "I can't do this anymore...take me to the hospital!" (We had planned a homebirth.)

    Wisely, my midwife asked to check me first. Lo and behold, I was 10 cm. Looking back, I know that I had been complete for a while and fighting pushing contractions. Not purposefully, but because I didn't know that's what they were. I had no idea I was so far along. And so I stayed in the "relax and let your body do it's thing" mode.

    Sadly, I am sure that ended up prolonging my pushing phase. I then had to push for longer than 3 hrs.

    J. did end up being born at home. A. was also a homebirth.

    For me, an amazing support system is critical. Birthing at home (when low-risk) is also ideal for me. I can't imagine relaxing in a hospital like I can at home. Being able to go with the flow is also important.

    Don't imagine too many "I'll labor in this chair or on the birthing ball". You never know what will work for you during labor. Be willing to try different things. When DH suggested I labor in our Amish rocking chair, I though he was nuts. But it was wonderful! Rocking gave me something to focus on and was soothing.

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    Accept that there will be pain involved.  Accept it.  It's ok if it hurts.

    Don't try and fight the contraction.  When you feel it building, just go with it, allow it to happen.


    Good luck! 

    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
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    What helped me a lot of watching home births on youtube, but I know that can either freak people out or help them.

    This is what I did. You are going to be great!!
    dx MF & FF IF
    Off B.C. Jan '06, started charting Feb '08, 2% morphology and PCOS, no O with meds,
    IVF w/ICSI only option to conceive.
    Licensed Foster Parents 07.11
    Miracle BFP 7.20.11 1st beta 6,274! EDD 3.17.12
    Miracle Baby born March 5, 2012 . 6lbs 1oz, 19 3/4"
    Miracle BFP #2 10.8.12 - edd 6.20.13

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    I went into it with my first child (born 13 months ago) with the attitude of, "This is what I want, but I'm open to other options if need be." That took a lot of pressure off of me.

    First, know that it will hurt. Don't be surprised or caught off guard. Yes it will hurt. Sometimes there is vomitting (I did). But I did breathing, I had a great support person (my husband ROCKED at this). And I had faith in the process. It took 3 hours to push him out, but looking back, I wouldn't have changed anything.

    Also, trust your body. Sometimes things go wrong, and you can never predict those. But try to have faith that your body will guide you.

    Wyatt 9/6/2011 
    Tessa 7/5/2013
    Baby #3- ????? (ttc soon)

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    Just remember that with each contraction you are that much closer to holding your baby.  Don't fear the pain and take it one contraction at a time.  you can totally do it!  Good luck!

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