
fussy at breast...teething?

Hi ladies!

My 4 month old has become fussy while breastfeeding, but not every time. She will stay latched, but turn her head down towards my lap, or pull her head back. Not fun! It happens throughout the feeding. Any ideas why? I am wondering if she is teething, her daddy got his teeth early. 


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Re: fussy at breast...teething?

  • My 4 week old is doing the same thing. I'd love to know why! I feel like we're never going to get the hang of this :
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  • My LO does this when he's tired.
    BFP #1: 2/14/11. EDD: 10/20/11. Missed m/c discovered in April at 12 weeks, d&c. BFP #2: 12/27/11. EDD: 9/9/2012.
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  • Could be teeth, could be distracted, could be impatient for let-down.  They go through lots of stages - my DD has done what you're describing for a few days and then stopped.
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