August 2011 Moms

S/O First World Problems!

You have 2463564577437875435674 dollars, where is your vacation home? And why?

Now that you are a bijilliondaire, what do you complain about? Is your driver annoying? Your personal shopper like pink more than you? are your jimmy choo's not as comfy as you thought?

This is serious.
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Re: S/O First World Problems!

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    Did I miss something? I don't get the reference.

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    I would have 2 vacation homes in the state of Michigan. We would of course have our huge amazing house in our current town still. Our winter home would be up north somewhere in the middle of nowhere with 100's of acres of land, log cabin, a fireplace in everyroom, and a polebarn to hold all of our snowmobiles/four wheelers and skis. Our summer home would be on Lake Michigan 2-3 story story home with a wrap around front porch, hardwood floors, white kitchen cabinets, and floor to ceiling windows looking out onto the water.

    We of course would have more than enough money to travel to whatever other destination and rent a house for a week or two. ;)

    Biggest complaint: Sometimes at the lake house, the waves keep me up at night. At the winter house, the deer keep peaking in my windows. SO annoying.

    (Wow, I've obviously thought about this too much!!) LOL

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    Did I miss something? I don't get the reference.

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    Did I miss something? I don't get the reference.

    scroll down to a post by Mama Ha titled "First World Problems"

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    My biggest complain is that you're only letting me have ONE vacation house. lol

    ::puts on thinking cap::

    Now let's see...

    Because I'm so stinkin' rich, I don't care about your rules, so I say I get as many vacations houses as I want. Ha!

    I want houses that will allow me to really enjoy what each season has to offer. So there would definitely be a villa on the beach somewhere warm and sunny. Maybe I'd buy my own private island?Yeah that sounds good. Plus I'll need the space for my helipad. Oh and my villa will be on a strip of land so that I get to enjoy both the sunrise and the sunset.

    As for my winter house, it wouldn't be too far from here I think. I'd have a huge piece of land close to the city. That way, I wouldn't hear or see any annoying neighbors but would still be close civilization. I agree with Amy that the peeping deer would be annoying as heck, but what can you do, right?

    I'd probably have a few other houses here and there, too, just because I can. Each house would have enough rooms for each of the girls, plus a few guest rooms. Fireplace is a must as well. The winter house would have a whole entertainment room, complete with foosball table and a trampoline. Both houses would have a nice wine cellar, too. Of course, the one bottle I'm in the mood for will happen to be at the house I'm not in, so major annoyance right there. :)

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    Did I miss something? I don't get the reference.


    True story. 

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    I'm going to go with the other beach houses.

    I'm going to have a home on the beach in the Caribbean. I'll have a room just to play music in that is completely humidity controlled. I'm going to have my own private jet to get our family and 500 of our closest friends there. We will have partyquarters and sleeping quarters. A spa and someone to give pedicures while I am able to read a book and watch the waves crash.

    I would complain about my help running on Caribbean time. Everything always runs late there. And they have hurricanes.
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    Ah...I get it. I read that post, but had scrolled through the gazillion posts on June 2013 and forgotten.

    My vacation home is in the mountains of Colorado. It's small and humble, but sits on a gorgeous piece of property that DH selected for its extreme distance from civilization.

    I complain about the lack of internet, the lack of people, and the distance to the closest yarn store because all I have to do all day is crochet and I'm almost out of yarn. I also live in fear of becoming the subject of a Lifetime Movie about a psycho murderer lurking in the mountains around me.

    This is my future if DH has his way. At least there are pretty trees, right?

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