D.C. Area Babies

Nanny Share or Day Care options Alexandria/Springfield


I am looking for anyone who has a nanny share or day care (in-home or center) recommendations. Our infant will need care starting in March 2012. I've looked at totkare.com and other websites but want to know if anyone has any personal experiences they can share.




Re: Nanny Share or Day Care options Alexandria/Springfield

  • Options
    I am a nanny due in March 2013. I am looking for a new job where I can bring my baby and care for another child, either at your home or mine. Instead of a nanny share, I would take a cut of the normal nanny pay to be able to have my daughter with me, which is basically the same as the share. I am located in Loudoun County, VA but would be willing to travel if necessary. It is only a 30 minute drive. Shoot me an e-mail at vpmihelcic@gmail.com. My name is Nina!
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