October 2011 Moms

AW: A lot of PIPs - Party

So this super PIP heavy, but I just had to share Jack's first birthday party.  It was a pumpkin patch/fall theme with grey, navy and orange.  I am well aware that I went absolutely overboard, but I just feel SO appreciative that I am here with my son to celebrate (I found out I have Congestive Heart Failure 7 days after DS's birth & it's been a long, hard year health-wise.)  Plus, I love to throw a good party!  :)  Enjoy!


I did a very long banner of pictures from each month of this past year.

image imageimage

Cherry Chip & Chocolate Cupcakes with matching cupcake toppers of course...yum!


My favorite little project, chalkboard mason jar cups.  DH drill holes into the tops of the white lids, I put adhesive chalkboard labels on the jars, we added a straw and voila personalized mason jar cups with lids!


 We arranged pictures on top of the white tablecloths and added clear plastic table covers on top to keep the pictures underneath.  The centerpieces are just mini hay bales, miin pumpkins & gourds, mason jars full of candy corn and peanuts, homemade caramels, pumpkin confetti (Target one spot) and of course a few toy John Deere tractors. 




Jack's first car date.  :) 


 Opening Presents




DS preferred to stay clean, and use a cupcake topper as a fork.  This was hilarious to us, because DH is a neat freak.  Mama...not so much. :)




Our family. 


Jackson Allen ? 10.1.11 ?
{Raising Jack}
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