Attachment Parenting

New to "Attachment Parenting"

I dont know if I am an AP or what but I would assume so. I am still nursing my 22 month old and me and OH still co-sleep with her. I am 36 weeks and could technically go at anytime, since I was almost 2 wks early w/ my last.

 I am already preparing to tandum nurse cause I am not going to force my LO now to stop feeding once baby is here cause I think that will have a negative affect on her. At this point anyways I have NO supply she does it all for the comfort.I am thinking once supply comes back she's be celebrating. . .or maybe wean herself IDK. anywho I am mostly concerned cause we already have no room in our bed as is, how are we going to make this work. I am stressing. We only have a queen bed not a King.


Maybe my concerns are small but I cant help but freak out

Re: New to "Attachment Parenting"

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    I have no feedback on tandem nursing, but with regards to bedsharing there are a few options. You can put your older child in between you and your DH or get something like a arms rearch cosleeper (or sidecar baby's crib) so you have more bed space for you and DH.

    GL and congrats!

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    I had a full size bed in the nursery w a PNP beside the bed. I had DH keep DS1 who was almost 3 in the main bed. I sleep with the baby in the nursery and DS1 sleeps w DH. If DS1 needs me, he comes and finds me.

    You will quickly adapt and find what works best for your family
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