School-Aged Children

Anyone have easy kids origami kit

DS picked one out from BN and my Mom got it for him, ages 6 and I can barely do them, I am 2 for 3. Need an easier one. Suggestions?
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08

Re: Anyone have easy kids origami kit

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    Littlejen -- My mom got my DS an origami book for kids that came with a set of paper.  I'm not sure where she got it, but you can try amazon or just google it.  It's called "Easy Origami." 

    She also often shops the Hearthsong catalog for stuff for my kids, so it might have come from that catalog.

    My son got into origami for a while after reading the Origami Yoda books. 

    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
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