Isaac has this rash on the inside of his thigh. I'm not for sure what it is from. I tried putting A&D on it today and it didn't help at all. So I put some powder on it before I put him to bed. I don't know if it will help any but I think maybe drying it out might work better than giving it more moisture? My mom thinks it could be from him rubbing on a wet diaper (overnight). He just got it tonight and we haven't had new foods/diapers/detergent or anything. Would you take him to the walk in tomorrow or wait another day? He just got it today. My only other guess is a yeast infection or eczema. Any one experience a rash like this? It is bright red and tad swollen. It may look like diaper rash in the picture but it doesn't look like it in real life.
Re: Rash
Is it behind the knee?
My DD has something very similar looking behind her knees. The doctor told me it was eczema and she gave me a prescription for it, but she told me to use it sparingly. I haven't actually used it yet, because I was trying to find other solutions first before resorting to the steroid cream. Right now I am bathing her with spectro kids e-care body wash, and using their e-care cream too after her bath and in the morning. It still flares up every now and then, but it has helped keep it under control I think.
She has had it since about 5 months old, and it started as a small patch behind one knee. I thought it was just irritation due to friction so I applied vaseline, but it seemed to get worse. When it flares up it looks a lot like the pic you posted. I would ask the doctor to take a look and give you some advice on how to treat it.
Mine gets that off and on. Doctor looked at it and isn't concerned.
I mix this up and put it on at night. Clears up by morning.
2 parts zinc oxide (Desitin)
1 part Lotrimin AF (anti-fungal)
1 part hydrocortisone 1%.
I store it in a little 1/2 cup gladware container in the bathroom so I can put it on after her bath if she needs it.
Married: 1/2008 ~ DD#1: 3/2012
TTC #2: Started 4/2014 BFP 7/30/15 MC 8/3/15 BFP 9/4/2015 EDD 5/16/2016
It's his thigh. Like right on the outside edge of the diaper. We have never had eczema here before so I wasn't sure if it even looked like it or not. I figured it was just from rubbed on his diaper but like you said when it got some A&D it didn't help at all. So then I wasn't sure.
Thank you ladies! I'll give it today to get better, bath him tonight and if it's not better tomorrow by lunch I will take him in.
Yes, I remember Aquaphor being one of the brands that I found when researching creams to treat DD's rash. It's just harder to find in Canada.