March 2012 Moms


Isaac has this rash on the inside of his thigh. I'm not for sure what it is from. I tried putting A&D on it today and it didn't help at all. So I put some powder on it before I put him to bed. I don't know if it will help any but I think maybe drying it out might work better than giving it more moisture? My mom thinks it could be from him rubbing on a wet diaper (overnight). He just got it tonight and we haven't had new foods/diapers/detergent or anything. Would you take him to the walk in tomorrow or wait another day? He just got it today. My only other guess is a yeast infection or eczema. Any one experience a rash like this? It is bright red and tad swollen. It may look like diaper rash in the picture but it doesn't look like it in real life.
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Re: Rash

  • I'd wait another day, but my DD has an eternal head-to-toe case of eczema, so I'm used to ignoring it.  It does look pretty angry.  I'm betting it is better tomorrow, but if it looks like it's bothering him I'd take him.  
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  • Is it behind the knee?  

    My DD has something very similar looking behind her knees.  The doctor told me it was eczema and she gave me a prescription for it, but she told me to use it sparingly.  I haven't actually used it yet, because I was trying to find other solutions first before resorting to the steroid cream.  Right now I am bathing her with spectro kids e-care body wash, and using their e-care cream too after her bath and in the morning.  It still flares up every now and then, but it has helped keep it under control I think.  

    She has had it since about 5 months old, and it started as a small patch behind one knee.  I thought it was just irritation due to friction so I applied vaseline, but it seemed to get worse.  When it flares up it looks a lot like the pic you posted.  I would ask the doctor to take a look and give you some advice on how to treat it.   

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  • Mine gets that off and on. Doctor looked at it and isn't concerned.

    I mix this up and put it on at night. Clears up by morning.

    2 parts zinc oxide (Desitin)
    1 part Lotrimin AF (anti-fungal)
    1 part hydrocortisone 1%.


    I store it in a little 1/2 cup gladware container in the bathroom so I can put it on after her bath if she needs it.

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  • imageraspberry_bride:

    Is it behind the knee?  

    My DD has something very similar looking behind her knees.  The doctor told me it was eczema and she gave me a prescription for it, but she told me to use it sparingly.  I haven't actually used it yet, because I was trying to find other solutions first before resorting to the steroid cream.  Right now I am bathing her with spectro kids e-care body wash, and using their e-care cream too after her bath and in the morning.  It still flares up every now and then, but it has helped keep it under control I think.  

    She has had it since about 5 months old, and it started as a small patch behind one knee.  I thought it was just irritation due to friction so I applied vaseline, but it seemed to get worse.  When it flares up it looks a lot like the pic you posted.  I would ask the doctor to take a look and give you some advice on how to treat it.   

    It's his thigh. Like right on the outside edge of the diaper. We have never had eczema here before so I wasn't sure if it even looked like it or not. I figured it was just from rubbed on his diaper but like you said when it got some A&D it didn't help at all. So then I wasn't sure.  

    Thank you ladies! I'll give it today to get better, bath him tonight and if it's not better tomorrow by lunch I will take him in.  

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  • Aquaphor works on everything!
  • imagegreenwin:
    Aquaphor works on everything!

    Yes, I remember Aquaphor being one of the brands that I found when researching creams to treat DD's rash.  It's just harder to find in Canada. 

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