September 2011 Moms

WCM on the go

B did surprisingly well switching to WCM and sippies (like I thought it was going to take a month or so to get rid of all bottles but she starting chugging those sippies in only a few days!)  But now when we are out and about somewhere for lunch, I am befuddled as to what to do.  We went to the zoo over the weekend and her milk got too warm so I just didn't give it to her.

We are going to CA next week to see family and the drive is about 6 hours.  Do I bring a little cooler or insulated lunch box for the milk?  Do I just forget about it that meal and hope she doesn't mind?

Sometimes BF/formula is way easier...

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Re: WCM on the go

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    You can put it in a cooler/insulated bag.  Or if you are in the car you can always stop at a store and buy a small container of WCM.  That way you don't have to worry about it going bad.

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    I use an ice pack in her little insulated lunch bag and it works great.

    I looked into milk boxes Horizon organic milk, but they don't come in Whole milk... Only vanilla, chocolate and plain flavor and they are 2 only I believe. They are non refridgerated, so you can store them in your pantry and stick them in the fridge as needed but again, not whole milk so it's pointless for us at this age.
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    I think the easiest thing to do is buy a small container while you are out.

    This would be the easiest, but some places don't carry small whole milk. This doesn't work for us at all since we buy organic milk. Boo.  

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    I use an ice pack in her little insulated lunch bag and it works great. I looked into milk boxes Horizon organic milk, but they don't come in Whole milk... Only vanilla, chocolate and plain flavor and they are 2 only I believe. They are non refridgerated, so you can store them in your pantry and stick them in the fridge as needed but again, not whole milk so it's pointless for us at this age.

    We have the cartons of the vanilla flavor. You can get them in bulk at Costco. I know they are not whole milk, but he really likes them and they are super easy and taste really good. I figure at least he is getting a dairy serving. I usually just offer water when we are out and he is ok with that. 

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    There would be no problem offering non whole milk once in a while. B is on 2% anyway, but when we run out of his milk, I just give him a sippy of skim until we get to the store.

    When we're out we stick with water for the most part. If we take milk, it's usually just a half cup. When it's gone, we switch to water. I hate having it sitting around after it's gotten warm.

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    I bought a small carton of toddler formula to keep around for just this purpose. It's just so easy to put a few scoops of powder into a bottle and add water on the go. 

    Another option is soy milk (or almond or rice milk, etc.). You can buy them in containers that don't need to be refrigerated until they're opened, including serving sizes containers. I think I'll do that in the future, instead of the toddler formula. We've been giving her soy milk for the past few days because her pedi took her off dairy temporarily, and she hasn't noticed the difference.  

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    The horizon type shelf stable packs are the way to go.  If every drop of milk isn't whole it isn't a big deal.  I think a lot of pedis skip whole milk now for "normal" size kids.  Sam was on soy til two, so we used the soy singles and then at two he used the milk ones when out.  Eventually they can even use the straw provided and you don't have to fuss with taking a sippy along too!  

    Thermos brand also makes an insulated sippy-I think it was called the foogo or something like that.   

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