Trying to Get Pregnant

*~~~Waiting to O~~~*


Re: *~~~Waiting to O~~~*

  • Happy Monday morning! 

    Cycle / Month: 10/9

    CD: 7

    What are you trying this month? First Month Temping, green tea, OPK

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: Just trying to get the hang of temping stuff, seems like my temp is all over the place so far.

     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? We got engaged a few days before my birthday and then spent that birthday on a beach, was a great day :)

    ~~~TTC #1 since Dec 2011, BFP 5/3 CP 5/6~~~
    ~~~BFP 10/9/12, EDD 6/17/13~~~
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Cycle / Month: 11/12

    CD: 12

    What are you trying this month? The usual, Green tea, OPK's, POM, confirming with CBE OPK this month, so that is new.  I should get a positive either tonight or tomorrow morning. But, we are going to hump it out tonight anyways, hopefully ED for the next 4 days.

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: I am feeling good going into this month, I am trying to not stress and to stay as calm as possible. 

    GTKY: What is your best birthday memory?  I don't really have any good birthday memories, man, that makes me sad.  Hopefully this birthday will be good, I test around my birthday.

    image image

     Me: 34 Dh: 41, Married: Oct 15th 2011

    Me: Deteriorating Ovarian Reserve, Hostile Uterus

    Dh: Slow but Healthy Swimmers

    Round 1 Clomid 100mg 7/12/2013

    BFP 8/2/2013 EDD 4/14/2014

    Charlotte Born on 4/23/3014

    Lilypie - (JIIT)

  • Loading the player...
  • Apparently Godiva knows today is CD1. I have received 3 emails from them today. UGH chocolate...
    TTC since 8/2012


  • Cycle / Month: 11, month 13

    CD: 1

    What are you trying this month? Tbd

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: no

     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? We had chimpanzees for one of my parties in elementary school. It was so fun!

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagekristykay123:

    Cycle / Month: 11, month 13

    CD: 1

    What are you trying this month? Tbd

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: no

     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? We had chimpanzees for one of my parties in elementary school. It was so fun!

    WTF! You weren't supposed to start yet! TWO MORE DAYS!!!


    lots of <3 to my TBBFF Sothernpeach80 - BABY ETHAN IS HERE! 02.04.13 <3

    TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    BFP #1 07/27/12 - EDD 04/07/13; C/P on 07/31/12

    BFP #2 10/11/12 - EDD 06/24/13; Blighted Ovum; D&C 11/30/12

    BFP #3 03/10/13 - EDD 11/17/13 - PLEASE BE OUR TAKE HOME BABY!

    Beta #1 - 95.8 (12DPO); Beta #2 - 502 (15DPO); Beta #3 - 2003 (18DPO)

    First U/S showed one beautiful baby measuring 7w1d with a HR of 148!!! Second U/S showed baby measuring 9w0d with a HR of 173!!!

    My Ugly BFP Chart

    “I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much." -Mother Teresa

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagelobosabby:

    Cycle / Month: 11, month 13

    CD: 1

    What are you trying this month? Tbd

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: no

     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? We had chimpanzees for one of my parties in elementary school. It was so fun!

    WTF! You weren't supposed to start yet! TWO MORE DAYS!!!


    We'll just pretend I start in 2 days ::wink wink:: Cycle buddies! SQUEE!! 

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Happy Monday afternoon!

    Cycle / Month: 5/5

    CD: 9

    What are you trying this month? Lots of water, fish oil added back, no alcohol from CD8 on.  Working out super hard, trying to lose my last 20lbs. Thought if I focused on something different, maybe that would help?

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: Part of me wants to not chart if we move into Month 6 with no BFP.  But then the other part is like why waste a possibly good month. Just so tired of the charting!

    GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? 26th Suprise Birthday Party given by my co-worker.  Showed up a local pub to only be surrounded by a ton of friends. She rented a limo and a bunch of my girlfriends all went out with a night on the town. I was totally shocked and so happy!

    Me:37 DH:40 Married 7/2009 TTC since 5/2012 
    BFP 4/2013, Our Christmas Miracle Due 12/18/2013
  • imagekelle017:

    Happy Monday morning! Let's get this going.

    Cycle / Month: 3

    CD: 6

    What are you trying this month? adding green tea and preseed

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: Just worried because I just had a c/p last week. I don't know what to expect.

    GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? Funny you ask because today is my birthday! Big Smile I'm not sure, but I do share a birthday with my dad, so that is fun!

     HaPpY bIrThDaY!!!!!!  Hope its your best one yet! 

    Me:37 DH:40 Married 7/2009 TTC since 5/2012 
    BFP 4/2013, Our Christmas Miracle Due 12/18/2013
  • Cycle / Month: 4/1st TTCALCD: 9What are you trying this month? Pom, Green Tea, Temping, OPKs, EOD sex until + OPK, then EDComments/thoughts/concerns: My LP before and after the loss was only 7-8 days. That concerns me even though i obviously was able to conceive, the pregnancy didn't last, so it's hard not to worry.  GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? My 16th birthday was really fun. My BFF's birthday is exactly a week after mine so we had an awesome joint party. 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageraeyn:

    Man, you're fast! Good morning! Yeah, I get up early with H and the dog every morning.  But I've got an hour on you since you're central time :)


    Comments/thoughts/concerns: As of this morning my chart says I'm 3 DPO, but I'm not convinced I've ovulated yet. What do you guys think?


     In my opinion, you haven't O'd yet.  Considering all three temps seem to be in your normal range.  I bet if you get a higher temp tomorrow FF with change your CHs.


    Trying to get knocked up since June 2012 ~ Dx: PCOS

    BFP 7.24.13 ~ EDD 4.2.14 ~ m/c  9.16.13 @ 11w4d

    BFP 5.4.14 ~ EDD 1.12.15 ~ stick little bean!

    TTGP 2013 Best Blog ~ Fruit ~ My BFP Chart 

  • Cycle / Month: 2/2

    CD: 10

    What are you trying this month? OPKs, lots of sex

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: Eh.  Last cycle was our first month officially trying and obviously it didn't happen.  This cycle we're just trying to have fun with it and not get too overly excited or test crazy.  

     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? My husband took me to San Diego for the weekend for my 21st birthday.  It was our first vacation together and I got to get legally drunk and obnoxiously quote Anchorman the entire time.  

    Married 6/11/2011
    Jack Walden born 6/17/2013  
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Forever and A Day (Life and Love in Los Angeles)  

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Happy Monday morning!  Let's get this going. kind of a sad one for me....I REALLY thought this was the month. it was the first time I cried when AF cameCycle / Month: 6/6CD: 2What are you trying this month? not ready to chart yet, but thinking about buying an ovulation predictor kitComments/thoughts/concerns: going to try and stay positive and hit ED probably starting a few days after AF ends.  GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? this past birthday (Saturday). I was on vacation in Miami and spent the day with my husband and one of my best friends getting massages at Canyon Ranch, hanging out on the beach and dinner at my favourite restaurant. yay for the big 2-5!
    TTC #1 since April 2012 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Cycle / Month:15/16

    CD: 14

    What are you trying this month? decided to try green tea and pom

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: nothing I can think of

     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? hmmm I spent my 24th birthday in Africa, I was on a mission trip.  One of my team mates actually was celebrating his birthday with me (his was the following day).  Our host actually went out into the village and had somebody make us a birthday cake!  It was the best birthday ever!!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC since May 2011-Me 26 DH 24
    BFP 7.01.2011 c/p @ 4wks3.2012 Metformin 500mg for irregular cycles
  • Cycle / Month: 2/3

    CD: 39

    What are you trying this month? Charting/Temping, Preseed, lots of sex

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: Not loving that I'll be hitting CD 40 tomorrow with still no O. Ready for this cycle to just end so I can start a new one.

     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? On my 26th birthday, DH proposed to me. I don't think anything before or after has or can top that.

  • Cycle/Month-- 1/1

     CD: CD5

     What are you trying this month? Charting, CM, and sex (obviously)

    Comments/thoughts/concerns:   My husband started first shift this week... so I hope I don't get so irritated with him being around that I don't want to have sex.  ha!!   He has never been around in the evenings for our entire relationship.  Def adjustment period here.


     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory?       I can't think of anything that *really* stands out.      Sad day.

    ETA:   My 25th birthday I had a sex toy party, and I pass out on my front porch.  I'm pretty klassy.

    Baby Chugging born 12.28.13
    induction due to HELLP

  • Cycle / Month: 2/2

    CD: 13

    What are you trying this month? Same thing as always

    Comments/thoughts/concerns: I am starting to feel as though I am never going to O. The cbefm keeps giving just highs for the second month and no peaks.  I'm thinking I might have to do some other stuff.

     GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? I have a few great bday memories through the yrs.  my dad giving me a Jem doll wrapped in paper, because he didn't know how to wrap.  My birthday celebration in Australia when studying abroad, or the 25th birthday party my then BF now husband threw me in the Boston harbor.  Oh and the 30th bday my husband threw me in NYC while I was pg with our first child.  The bartender made me shots of coke.  

  • Cycle / Month: 4/4CD: 7What are you trying this month? Anything and everythingComments/thoughts/concerns:  just waiting GTKY: What is your best birthday memory? When I was growing up my bet friend and I shared a birthday, every year we always had a big pool party at my house.  My whole class would come and it was a great time.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
  • imagedmlk413:

    CD: 2


    hey CD buddy...hope this is our lucky month! 

    TTC #1 since April 2012 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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