September 2012 Moms

Update on OMG My Water Just Broke

So Monday afternoon I posted that my water had broken. I didn't think anything of it at the time but thinking now its pretty funny that I took time to post a message. I think realizing it was the real deal got me in a tizzy! LOL! I started cleaning and getting last minute take to hospital stuff and then realized we better get to the hospital.

We arrived at 3:00pm. Contractions hadn't started so they got me on pitocin around 4:30. By 7:30 my contractions were coming strong about 2 minutes apart. I was about 4cm and asked for the epidural. BEST THING EVER! Around 10:30pm I was 7 cm. I wasn't feeling any pain but sometimes I could tell when I was having a contraction from the tightening of my belly. They were about a minute apart. By 11:00pm I definitely knew when I was contracting because I felt a LOT of pressure down below with each one. I called the nurse around 11:40 and I guess they knew what that meant because next thing I knew in comes the Dr and 3 or 4 nurses and all the official equipment! And I thought oh st! This is it! LOL! He checks and confirms I'm ready to push. I started pushing around 11:50pm and Molly Kate was delivered at 12:19am on 9/4. She was 7 lbs 6 oz. 20 inches long.

I had a 2nd degree tear but overall feel pretty darn good considering how I thought I would feel. Molly has some jaundice so she is under the light now. Hoping her levels go down so we can both go home together as planned tomorrow.

So in love wth our beautiful baby girl!
Good luck to the rest of you September mamas! I will try to post a pic when we get home.
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