August 2011 Moms

I survived my first day :)

::pours herself an e-glass of wine::

What a day!

DD2 got up twice last night, then I was up at 6, waiting in line at the clinic by 6:20, back home as the hubs was strapping the girls in their car seat to go drop them off at DC, in the office a few minutes before 8.  

Work was ok. I just feel like my brain has turned to mush after 13 months of dirty diapers, singing the ABC's, counting to 10... I will definitely need a few days to get back in the game. But still, it was nice to see my coworkers - except for one who couldn't find anything better to say to me than "Wow you look tired". But he's an a$$hat so that was no surprise.

As for my betas, I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow to get my results. I'm hoping to get a call back in the morning, but if I don't, I plan on stopping by my Dr's office over lunch and hopefully I can get answers then.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes and all the T&P's <3 

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Re: I survived my first day :)

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    A$$hat!  Glad you had a pretty good day back!  Thinking of those betas! 
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    Glad you survived! Continued T&P's.
    Married: 3/01/08
    Baby Girl: 7/29/11
    Angel Baby: M/C 7/15/14 at 7wk
    BFP: 8/23/14 - Due 4/28/15  - It's a BOY!
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    Yay! You survived!! I can't wait to hear about your betas. I'm going to keep sending T&P's. :)
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    Definitely an a$$! Glad you survived and will looking for an update tomorrow regarding your betas! T&Ps for good news.
    Ella 8.6.11
    Carson 3.28.13
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    Glad you first day wasn't too bad!

    Happy thoughts and prayers for good Betas! Are you still bleeding?
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    Glad your first day back went so well! ::Pacing around the living room untill I hear about your betas::
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    Glad things went well...I am sure I would def have a hard time going back after 13 months off! 

    GL with the betas fingers still crossed for good news! 

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    "Wow, you look like a douchebag." Would have been my snarky reply back to that guy!

    Glad it went well. : )

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    Yeah for a good day back at work, but boo for your a$$hat coworker.  And BOO for more waiting!  Hopefully you get answers quickly on your betas this morning! 
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