August 2011 Moms

Blah! Knew the weekend was too good to be true!

Lincoln is in rare form today. He is a true hot mess! I suspect he is teething. Ugh. Gonna be a long day given all the chores and errands I have lined up. Blah!

It could always be worse so this is my final complaint of the day <---Promise to myself.


Re: Blah! Knew the weekend was too good to be true!

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    G was like that Sunday and yesterday he is always so a chill baby idk what his deal was...GL!! 
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    Lilu is always *really special* when teething. She just got all 4 of her first molars in. I thought I was going to lose it! Hang in there, he can't teeth forever!
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    Ugh, sounds like teething....we FINALLY just cut the top two front teeth a couple weeks ago, and are now working on two more top teeth.  It's no fun.  Hang in there!
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    That is the worst when they just aren't themselves.  Probably teeth.  Josh has been a bit off lately. Finally cut his 2 top molars, 2 bottom ones are almost about to cut the gums and so are his lower side teeth.  The last 2 weeks with these 6 teeth are making both mommy and baby not ourselves lol!!!  Hope you LO is back to normal soon :)
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