August 2011 Moms

CP: WCM delivery


Unexplained IF/RPL

TTC#1 2003 BFNs, 2004-2009 imageimageimageimageimage 5 angels above

2010 IVF-PGS-FET#1, DD b. Aug-2011 image

TTC#2 2012 BFNs, 2013 FET#2, DS b. Nov-2013 image

TTC#3 2015 BFNs, FET#3 image (my 6th and last angel above)

Journey Complete.

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Re: CP: WCM delivery

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    We've tried a sippy cup a couple times but she won't drink it yet.
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    Nina has cows milk in her cereal otherwise she nurses or gets a bottle of breast milk while I'm at work. I have given her sips of cows milk but she doesn't like it.
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    We're pretty much bottle-free here.  Daycare forced the issue with daytime bottles so he could move over to the toddler room and I've kept it going for consistency.  He tends to drink WCM out of sippies at daycare, and nurse (though he's not getting much from me, but a little) instead of drinking much WCM when we're together.  Since he's not getting much BM from me, I still do offer the WCM, and if he's particularly fussy/obviously hungry before bed I will offer a small bottle of WCM prior to nursing him down.
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    We are completely bottle free.  L was done with bottles and formula just before he turned 1.  He would refuse the bottle (pushing it away) when we tried to feed him.  He just preferred the sippy and happily gave the bottles up on his own.   So all of his liquids (water, milk and the rare watered down juice) are out of a sippy cup. 
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    I can't get DS to drink WCM at all. He nurses and only takes a bottle if I'm going to be gone form him for a long time, which these days is never.
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    Alex drinks WCM from a bottle since he usually gets WCM before naps. He gets water and apple juice from his sippy cup.
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