August 2011 Moms

Super Slow.

This board is moving SUPER slow this week/weekend. Hopefully everyone's enjoying their holiday week/weekend then! :)

Re: Super Slow.

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    Since I joined the board when I was 5 weeks pregnant weekends have always been slow. 
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    This is my first time on in a week and a half. My laptop died, and my phone stinks, so I couldn't get on. I'm trying to catch up on reading all the old posts, so I'm kind of glad it's slow Stick out tongue

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    Since I joined the board when I was 5 weeks pregnant weekends have always been slow


    I guess that makes sense. This is the first time I have really sat down at the computer on a weekend for a while. SO is playing with DD so I thought I'd let them go at it for a bit before I take back all my housework done so here I am. Kinda nice. 

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