Pregnant after 35

Does your OB care change when you are over 35?

Just curious really.  I am 5 wks now and will have an ultrasound next week due to some bleeding but wondering if I can expect anything different this go around. 

Re: Does your OB care change when you are over 35?

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    No difference for me between pregnancies. I was 34 with my first and I'm now 43 with my 2nd. 
    Mom to Hope 2004 Blessed with #2 due to arrive 11/02/12
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    I think it depends on the mindset of your OB. My office has 6 (who rotate so that I can be "comfortable" with whomever is on call on delivery day), and so far two of the six have really felt it necessary to note my potential for "higher risk". (note: I was 31 when I had DD. now I'm 35.)
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    No, I am 38 and I asked my OB about that.  He said look around the waiting room, you are the same age as everyone else in there.
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    I had #1 when I was 32... this time I'm actually having fewer check ups, just a couple extra tests in the first trimester (the "integrated screening" which is an extra blood test and a NT scan to check for Downs). Another shocker... I'm having fewer "issues" with this pregnancy. Last time I had gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, my feet swelled to painful proportions... this time: NONE of that... even my swelling is minimal... and I started this pregnancy  20lbs over weight, and have gained over 40lbs. it's crazy.

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    I think it depends on the OB.  I was pregnant at 36.  My OB considered my pregnancy higher risk due to maternal age.  They had a high risk OB specialist review my anatomy scan at around 20 weeks.  I also had to get weekly fetal heart monitoring once I got to be around 35 weeks.  It was all routine and I had a very normal pregnancy.  Baby was perfectly healthy.  It was mainly precautionary measures, but I didn't mind.  
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    Nope! In fact, like with my second child, I only have to go in for appointments every 5 weeks until the 3rd trimester (with my first child, it was every 4 weeks). I see a midwife practice and they've never said anything about my age.
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    Not really.  At my pg w/ my DD, I was 35.  I had just had my late loss @41 weeks.  She asked me what I wanted to do.  B/c I was stressed enough w/ just being pg again, I didn't want to add any unnecessary tests.  I said I just wanted to get all the normal us/ and bloodwork and if anything came up, then I'd consider further testing.  I'm doing the same thing this time around. 

    BFP #1 5/10/06 ...m/mc @11.5w 6/29/06 D&C 6/30/06
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    I agree with the PP that it is the mindset of your doctor. I asked my OB if I could expect to be treated differently because I am 40, she told me I am healthy and that is all that matters to her. She has no plans of treating me any different than any of her other healthy patients. 

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    Thank you for this question & responses!  I am 36 & this will be my first so I am a little nervous as what to expect. 
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