Pregnant after 35

I had my boy at 36 weeks!

Owen Daniel was born 8/10 at 2:30 am. He weighed 6lbs 12 oz and was 19 inches long! He is healthy and we came home yesterday!

I started having super intense contractions around 10:30 pm on Aug. 9th, We headed to the hospital to get checked and I was already 6 cm dialted. They sent me to our room and before I knew it I was fast approaching 10 cm. The nurse broke the news that I was too late for an epi. They were waiting for my Dr. to get there and telling me not to push!!! It was awful and the most intense pain I have ever felt in my life. The urge to push took over my body, My Dr. arrived and I pushed 3 times and he was out.

I am recovering very well and only had a 2nd degree tear. I feel pretty good. Good luck to all the amazing women on this board. It is truly a miracle and the best give ever!!!! Love to all!

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