Pregnant after 35

Baby Boy born 5 weeks early...

Rafe Andrew decided to make his entrance into this world 5 weeks early.  My water broke at 2 am Saturday morning.  Contractions started soon after.  We arrived at L&D at 5:30 am.  I kept hoping they would tell me I had peed myself and was only having Braxton Hicks contractions and send me home.  No go.  When we checked in, I was only dialiated to 1 cm, but the nurse could feel his head when she checked me.  At Noon, I still hadn't dialated, so they started the pitocin.  I held out until 5 pm with no pain meds and the pitocin was up to 16.  Apparently, I am a wimp.  With each contraction, I would break out in a cold sweat and my body was racked with uncontrollable shaking.  I gave up and asked for the muscle relaxers, still hoping i could forego the epidural, but no go on that either.  By 6:30 pm, I broke down and asked for the epidural and finally slept.  Rafe's heart rate dropped twice, which created quite a commotion.  I was afraid I would have to have an emergency CS, but they were able to place a scalp monitor on him the first time and the second time, I was fully dialated and he had moved down, dislodging the scalp monitor.  3 contractions, 9 pushes and 20 minutes later, Rafe was born.  9:28 pm...6 lbs 4 oz...19 inches long.  We all got to leave the hospital Monday and he is doing great.  He does have a touch of jaundice that we are working through, but that should clear up soon with our aggressive light therapy.  He is beautiful and I am so in love.. 

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