Blended Families

BM's gone

Well things are not going well for our boys' BM.  We haven't actually talked to her since January but we have found out that she is in a lot of trouble.  Drugs.  Bad ones with needles and spoons.  (She already OD'd back in June)  I feel that we are going to get a call in the very near future telling us she is either in jail or dead.  The boys don't see her too often and really don't know much of what's going on.  But they know nobody really knows where she is at this point and that she's having a lot of troubles. 

I don't really have a point to this other than to vent I guess.  I know she has problems and really should not have the kids around her (and legally can't) but I still wish that she could clean up and be there for the boys.  I guess it's her loss... but I really don't want the boys' mom to end up dead.  There is nothing I or anyone else can do but just wait to see what happens with her, where she shows up, who she finally contacts. 

Re: BM's gone

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    your SS's are lucky to have you and DH to be so supportive during a difficult time.  The only input I have is to make sure they are out of earshot when discussing the details of BM's issues.  They probably have already picked up on the fact that she's not around, but they are kids, right? they don't need to know the extent of her issues...
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    Yes they are 10 and 12.  We don't discuss it around them.  They have tried to call her so many times and have talked to her now exboyfriend who said he doesn't know where she is.  They asked us and we told them we don't know either.  We said "she is having troubles" because we don't wanna go into any details with them.  They will figure her out on their own in time if she is still around.  I guess they'll figure it out if she's not around too.  I don't understand it myself but I just hope she gets herself cleaned up and outta trouble.  I know there's really nothing I can do but be there for the boys. 
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