June 2011 Moms

S/O Milk Question: How Much?

How much milk does LO drink a day?  Ty drinks A LOT of milk, and I feel like it's more than normal.  How much is your LO drinking a day?

ETA: He drinks about 24 oz a day, and would drink more if I let him.  Pedi said to give up to 24 oz. and at least 12 oz. of calcium if he wouldn't drink milk.  Clearly that's not a problem.  I can't blame the kid though - I LOVE milk! 

Re: S/O Milk Question: How Much?

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    DD's pedi said 2 cups a day.  She drinks 12-18 oz.  
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    At DD one-year appt the pedi said 12-16 oz./day.  We see her again on Friday so I'm going to double check that the amount is still the same.  I don't want her to get filled up on milk and not eat her other food. 

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    I don't measure, but I buy a gallon of WCM every 2-3 days.  H might drink a glass here and there, but it is mostly V drinking it.  I'd say 3ish sippy cups per day. 
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    Not a whole lot, but she's improved majorly since starting on WCM.  I don't measure but I would say she drinks about 8 oz a day, maaaaybe 10.  She still BFs in the morning and before bed, though, and eats a lot of other dairy.  She loves her water, too.

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    24 oz a day?!?!  Holy cow, literally!!!  I wish!  I'm lucky if I can get him to drink 5!  He is drinking a combo of BM and WCM in the sippy and on a good day he will drink 5, on a really good day maybe 7 or 8.  He still nurses at bedtime and he has yogurt and/ or cheese every day.  Our pedi never really specified anything about milk or dairy at our 1 year appointment.
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    Em drinks 2.5- 3 cups a day now that she drinks milk at lunch too. She also has yogurt and cheese everyday. She lives dairy. Sometimes she has ice cream too. I know that's not popular, but she likes it and it's just sometimes.
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    Martin drinks about 8oz in the AM and then gets it offered via sippy throughout the day. He probably takes in another 4-8oz.
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    DS has been getting 8 oz. milk per day, and another 8 oz. water per day. For the past two days I've pushed milk on him and he's taken in 16 oz. each day.  I'm constantly offering it to him though, which is kinda annoying, but whatevs. 
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    If I continued to let him have bottles, he'd easily drink 24-30 oz. or more per day (including his dream feed at night around 11pm).  That's why I'm cutting out the bottles.  I'm hoping he will eat more solids this way. He will only drink 1 oz or so at a time out of the sippy cups so far, though.  But the kid loves all things cheese as well as yogurt, so I'm not too concerned.
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    If I continued to let him have bottles, he'd easily drink 24-30 oz. or more per day (including his dream feed at night around 11pm).  That's why I'm cutting out the bottles.  I'm hoping he will eat more solids this way. He will only drink 1 oz or so at a time out of the sippy cups so far, though.  But the kid loves all things cheese as well as yogurt, so I'm not too concerned.

    We did just switch to sippy's only (yesterday was the first full day), so maybe this will decrease.  He seriously gets SOOOOO upset when he finishes a bottle/sippy of milk and will literally walk over to the fridge and throw a tantrum in front of it!

    He gets plenty of water too, and eats like a horse at DC.  I think he has a hollow leg because he's only about 23lbs!

    I'm just glad he doesn't seem to be constipated or have diarrhea with all the dairy he eats/drinks.  On top of the milk, he developed a love of yogurt and he's always loved cheese!  

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    Avery drinks between 24 & 30 ounces a day. Pedi told me that no more than 32 oz as long as she was still eating 3 meals a day and she is. Both of my girls love milk.
    ~ Cassie ~

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    Pedi said 18oz and GI doc said 24oz, so we aim for a number in between there. Most days, it's probably closer to 18oz, but he gets cheese and yogurt also. Sometimes I'll give him half a pediasure (4oz) also, if he's had a crappy eating day (he's tiny, needs the calories).
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    I don't measure, but I buy a gallon of WCM every 2-3 days.  H might drink a glass here and there, but it is mostly V drinking it.  I'd say 3ish sippy cups per day. 

    This is us too, only Z is the only one drinking it. It maybe lasts 4 days at the most.

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    Our pedi told us between 12-18 oz at  his one year appt and we are not on sippy cups yet (for milk anyway) so he gets (3) 6 oz bottles per day.  When he's offered milk in a sippy, it's like we are trying to poison him.  Lol
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    About 10-12oz. He gets a bedtime bottle with 6oz and the rest is in sippies throughout the day. He doesn't drink much at a time (except the bottle).

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    We also have to give milk in bottles...he's another one who looks at me like the devil when milk is in his sippy.  I have no clue how we'll transition to all sippy cups!  B gets between 18 and 24 oz of soy milk from his bottle a day...if it was all sippy, he'd get MAYBE 1 or 2 oz.  That's why we're still in the bottle, I figure nutrition is more important at 13 months than the sippy.
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