Pregnant after 35

Sorry I have been MIA....

Hi ladies,

I am sorry I have been MIA lately.  I was back at work last week and it was busy after 2 w off.  I didn't have alot of time in the evenings to get online and was busier at work than normal, so that cut into my bump time.  This week I am on vacation and missed posting the check-in on Monday because I was OOT visiting my step sister that I haven't seen in a couple of years.  She lives in the states, but just bought a cottage an hour and a half from us here in Canada, so we went up for the day to visit.  We are having issues getting DS to bed these days, so I haven't been able to get online at night.  This week I am on vacay because my babysitter is off and I had no one to watch DS.  My days are busy and he rarely lets me get on the computer.  I am going to try to post the weekly check in tonight but it will be after 9 at the earliest before I get it up.

In terms of the pg, I am doing ok.  No bleeding in 3.5w and Friday I will hit Vday.  Thank the Lord.  Baby is very active now and strong.  I am pretty sure he is lying across my belly just below my belly button.  I have my next OB appt on Tuesday am.  DH asked me for my top 10 name list yesterday, so I am working on that.  Hopefully this little man will have a name by the weekend.

benniferbaby...that's for checking in on me.  I feel badly that I haven't been around much to offer support or checkin on time, but hopefully starting next week things will get back to normal.  Stever...congrats on the arrival of your little man.  I'm going to try to catch up on everyone else tonight.  Again, apologies for being such an infrequent poster lately.  I'll try to do better, I promise.

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Re: Sorry I have been MIA....

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    Hey, don't be so hard on yourself!  Sounds like your plate is full. Thanks for giving us an update and hope all continues to go well. Looking forward to the check in and seeing everyone's news. 
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    Hey hey now - no guilt! We just check in because we care and worry. Isn't that what mamas do? I hope you had a great visit with your stepsister, and I really hope that DS starts to cooperate re bedtime. You both need your rest! Hugs for ya!
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    Glad you were just busy and nothing serious. Happy to hear all seems to be going well
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