June 2011 Moms

diaper free time

A friend of mine was amazed that I let DD go diaper free around the house sometimes and asked me what I did if she had an accident...clean it up?? So this got me thinking, who lets their LOs go diaper free? Do you CD or use sposies?
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Re: diaper free time

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    The only time V goes diaper-free is on the back porch when he's playing in his baby pool and water table.  I don't do naked time inside the house, but I don't have a reason not to. I'd just clean up after him.  I'm used to this with my dog.  

    (Knock on wood) he doesn't get diaper rash often and has smooth little bum so naked time isn't necessary...just for fun. 

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    I let her go naked for an hour or so after bathtime a few times a week. She loves to be naked. and *knock on wood* she has never had an accident. (can you even call it an accident at this age?) If she was pooping I feel pretty confident I could catch her and grab a towel or something or hold her over the toilet, she's a pretty obvious pooper.
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    Jr only is naked when he runs away from me at bath time.  Pretty much every time hes peed on the floor and looked TOTALLY shocked which was pretty funny!  No need to really let him go naked.  I don't have the energy to clean pee every time lol.  Its so cute though when they are little naked babies!

    ditto.  And of course, he ran away the other night and ran straight into his brother's room and peed on his bedskirt.  So yeah, no on-purpose naked time in our house!  

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    We do it almost every day, it's something my Mum did with me and I've just followed along with DD, she loves it and she doesn't have many accidents. She's never had diaper rash.
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    We never do diaper free time and LO has never had a diaper rash. I dont think it makes a difference but for the record I only use sposies.
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    Diaper Free time is usually after night time bath. We havent had any accidents yet....

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    The only time V goes diaper-free is on the back porch when he's playing in his baby pool and water table.  I don't do naked time inside the house, but I don't have a reason not to. I'd just clean up after him.  I'm used to this with my dog.  

    (Knock on wood) he doesn't get diaper rash often and has smooth little bum so naked time isn't necessary...just for fun. 

    This is our situation as well - minus the dog! 

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    After her bath we usually let her run around naked for 10-20 minutes depending on how tired she is. She's peed and pooped a few times but it's nothing a little carpet cleaner and towel can't wipe up.
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    We never do diaper-free time. Anytime I take off his diaper (like before a bath) he pees so I know it would be a mess. We use disposables and the only time he's ever had a diaper rash was when he had a stomach virus.

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    DD wears disposable diapers and the only time I really let her run around without a diaper on is either just for a few minutes after he bath while I let her air out ....or if she has a diaper rash that I'm having difficulty getting rid of. She occasionally gets mild diaper rashes that I think are food related and it seems like letting her skin breathe helps.

    ETA: She almost always pees when I leave her diaper-free, so I usually only do it for a few minutes while she's in the bathroom since there's no carpet in there. She's clearly not ready for potty training. lol 

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    We CD.  Audrey goes diaper free a lot after her bath.  Or if she needs a diaper change within an hour of bed time and I don't want to waste a diaper for just an hour but also don't want to put on her overnight diaper yet.

    I think it's great for their bottoms to air out from time to time.  Especially for Audrey who has very sensitive skin.

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    Maya goes diaper free everyday.  We CD.  Usually when I change her diaper she runs away and I let her go 1-5 minutes before I put a new diaper on her.  After her bath she goes a longer time- up to 30 minutes.  She almost never pees after her bath bc I'm pretty sure she always pees in the tub.  If I want to go longer at any time I take her downstairs where the floor is tiled.  We  have had "accidents" upstairs but I just clean it up with a vinegar solution.  She does get mild rashes from time to time and the air on her skin helps.
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    After bath time, Carter usually runs away from me while I pick up, so I let him run around naked for 15-20 minutes.  He never gets diaper rash and I use disposables, I just don't get in a hurry to put jammies on.  He thinks it's funny.  

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    We don't ever do diaper-free time. We've been lucky, but he's only had minor rashes a handful of times, and it clears up after 1-2 good smears of Desitin.
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    We do sposies and I let DD have nakie time for a little bit (usually a few minutes) nearly everyday. She loves it, and often pees but it's no biggie, we just clean it up (we have hard wood floors so it's easy). Once she pooped though, and that was very, very unpleasant...
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    Sometimes Em goes diaper free for a while. She LOVES it!! She always seems to pee when she has no diaper, but I just clean it. No big deal at all. She is just staring walking and loves it and does so much better when she has no diaper on.
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    We don't do any scheduled diaper free time, but he does have it. Mostly for rashes, but sometimes just because I thoroughly believe it's important for his skin to have time to breathe. We use disposables. I honestly would have done cloth diapering, but, we're in an apartment and after using some online calculators I found out it would cost exactly the same to use cloth, so I decided not to use up my time doing it. 

    Its really obvious when he's pooping, so we've never had a poop accident. A few pee accidents, but actually a few catches in the potty too though! We will start potty training at 15 months. I wish I would have done EC, cause I think he would have done great with it pretty young.  

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    After bath time I dry DD really good in the bathroom then let her walk into her room (we've been doing this for about a week and she's peed on the floor or on me every single time... Last night she peed as I was picking her up to put her on her changing table and it ended up hitting my phone and DHs leg, lol.  
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    We have tried a few times at random, and without fail she peed everytime.

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