June 2011 Moms

Ball Pit

Please recommend  yours. I am trying to find a decent priced one with good reviews but so far nothing is jumping out at me.

Re: Ball Pit

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    We recently added balls to the PNP (Pinterest idea) and our LO seems to like it.  The balls were 14.99 at Target.
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    We recently added balls to the PNP (Pinterest idea) and our LO seems to like it.  The balls were 14.99 at Target.

    I thought about this, but I like the idea of her being able to crawl in and out of it. I think in the PNP she would be stuck and I would have to get her in and out all the time.

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    We bought a bunch of balls at walmart and filled a cheap baby pool. She loves it, but it lives outside now so we aren't constantly stepping on the balls :) 
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    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    We bought a bunch of balls at walmart and filled a cheap baby pool. She loves it, but it lives outside now so we aren't constantly stepping on the balls :) 

    we did this for DS and he LOVED it. we went through 2 pools though b/c he was a bit crazy and popped them. we plan to do the same for DD (and hope DS doesn't go hog wild). this was especially great during the crappy winter months. We got the balls from Target as well.

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    We have a Disney one that you can find at Walmart and babies/toys r us. It blows up and she can see thru on wall and push the balls in and out the other. She absolutely loves it. It is her little fort. It was $30. A little overpriced.... But that's what grandparents are for! So glad we got it. 
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    MrsIMrsI member
    We have this bounce house.  I thought we only paid $65ish for it BUT we bought it 3 years ago for my nephew and DD uses it now.  We bought balls at WalMart for $10 and added them to it.  It is pretty large but we set it up in our living room for a few weeks at a time and then put it away for awhile before bringing it back out and it keeps her interested.  She LOVES it.  She goes in and jumps in it everyday (that it is up).  We also set it up at her 1st Birthday outsie and any other times we have friends coming over with older kids.  It was the best thing at the party!  It has definitely been worth the money over time and has held up great.  We blow it up with the shop vac reversed and it just takes a few minutes to get up.
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    We bought a $7 blow up kiddie pool and 2 bags off balls for $11 each at WalMart.  He LOVES it.  Here is a pic:



    Lilypie - (JzKZ) Lilypie - (DgGJ)

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    Thanks ladies! I think I am going to go the blow up pool route for now.
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