June 2011 Moms

PMS symptoms but no period?

I'm still BFing and haven't gotten my period yet (next month will be two years since my last period...which is crazy and awesome). However, we want to start TTC, and I'd really like to do it without weaning (though I'm prepared to wean if I have to). For the last two months, I've had AF-like cramps/backaches, along with some ovulation-like discharge. It's happened at the same time of the month both times. No AF yet, though.

Did anyone experience PMS symptoms a couple months before you got your period back? I've read that it can be a sign of your body gradually becoming fertile again, but I thought I'd check with you ladies to see if anyone has had something similar happen. Thanks!

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Re: PMS symptoms but no period?

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    I've some AF symptoms on and off- just like you mentioned- in the recent months but still no AF for me either
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    Interesting...guess we'll all just wait and see. I know it's totally different for everyone, but I'm actually hoping to see AF soon.
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    Interesting, I've actually been thinking about posting about this too.  I'm still BFing as well (was 2x a day, as of this weekend just 1x a day) and still no AF.  I've also had discharge like you described but no other symptoms.  I was starting to wonder if I was the only one who hadn't seen AF come back but I guess I'm not alone!  We aren't TTC but I would be ok if it happened by accident :).  DH on the other hand, would not be so happy!  Good luck, hope it happens for you soon!
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    Interesting, I've actually been thinking about posting about this too.  I'm still BFing as well (was 2x a day, as of this weekend just 1x a day) and still no AF.  I've also had discharge like you described but no other symptoms.  I was starting to wonder if I was the only one who hadn't seen AF come back but I guess I'm not alone!  We aren't TTC but I would be ok if it happened by accident :).  DH on the other hand, would not be so happy!  Good luck, hope it happens for you soon!

    Thanks! I'm glad I'm not the only one with these weird symptoms. I'm going to give it another couple of months, and then I'll probably start weaning. It makes me sad to wean, but DD has cut way back in her nursing, so she's moving in that direction anyway. I suspect I might be one of those who has to fully wean to get AF, but I'm holding out hope that these weird symptoms mean it's coming back.

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