April 2011 Moms

let's compare...

i know this is silly but i thought i'd just check in and see how all the April 2011 babes are doing! 

walking? talking? temper tantrums? listening? what are they eating? favorite toy? etc...

i'll go first

DS is saying a few words "soo" (soother), bu bu - bottle, da da, aahhh - airplane, animal noises for dog and cat and a few others i can't think of right now.  he's also doing a few signs (sign language) for water, please, more

he's been walking since 9 months so we've been very busy around here

his favorite toy is the $1 bubble wands from walmart that he just carries around the back yard. but he also loves chasing bubbles around too!

he is starting tantrums when i say no - and loves to throw things including toys, rocks and his water bottle  anything really...i am running out of no's in my vocab! 

the biggest thing is he's still on puree's! we've tried chunks but he just gags and pukes...very frustrating!  


your turn! i know you're not supposed to compare cause every kid is different but i thought i'd be interesting just to see where everyone else's LO is at.

happy monday!!! 

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Re: let's compare...

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    walking? Yes

    talking? Kind of. Lots of expressive babbling. Only a handful of words and 1 phrase, "What's that?"

    temper tantrums? Mild, but yes

    listening? Selectively

    what are they eating? Pretty much anything and everything. She's getting a little pickier than she was before. Her favorites are bananas, sweet potato, peas, strawberries, and taco meat.

     favorite toy? Right now, it's her little singing picnic basket/shape sorter.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    walking? Yes, since 9 months too...I don't wish that on anyone!

    talking? Same answer as Sarah...I'm pretty sure he thinks he's talking but I can't understand the words that are coming out of his mouth!

    temper tantrums? Oh my lord yes...seems like all day every day when he doesn't get his way!

    listening? Selectively (LOL good answer!!)

    what are they eating? Most things but I think molargate 2.0 is bothering him so eating has been a challenge lately.  So excited for our vacation with a grumpy toddler that doesn't want to eat!!

    favorite toy? Himself...loves to have dance parties and make himself dizzy and fall down.  Seriously, I don't even know why we buy toys!

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    walking? talking? temper tantrums? listening? what are they eating? favorite toy? etc...

     Walking- started around 11 months. She's going pretty fast these days and has taken a couple pretty nasty falls in the past week. 

    Talking- mama, dad, dog, cat, this, that, uh-oh, no, meow meow and a bunch of gibberish. 

    Temper tantrums- oh yes! 

    Eating- pretty much whatever! She has become a little picky when you try to feed her but if she can do it herself it's fine. She has also turned into a fruit eating machine!

    Toys- her doll, animal books and anything that she has to work to figure out.  


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    Eating - everything but honey ( anyone know when we can start btw?).

    1 year. So, you're good to go. :)

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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    Walking?  Started at 9 months and now she just runs, climbs and thinks she is jumping as she goes

    Talking?  Jibberish pretty much ALL the time. She also has a strong repertoire of animal sounds (monkey, snake, duck, dog, sheep, lion - my DH is big on these).  As far as words, dada, mama, ah dah for all done, read it ( when she wants us to read ), water, dog, cat, sit, stay, more, cracker, cup, yo gah ( yogurt), bag, pup pup. She calls her babysitter, her kids, DH and animals by name as well as her cousins and my dad.  

    Temper tantrums?  If she does not get her way - immediately. We do a lot of ignoring and redirecting around here.

    Listening?  I have to go with selectively. She totally hears us, but often chooses to ignore if she is busy.

    Eating?  She is picky so starting today we are offering our lunch and dinner options to her and if she chooses not to eat it she can get down. First day of this included quite a few tears, but we will get there.

    Favorite toy?  Chunky peg puzzles, a parmesan cheese container I emptied and she fills it with milk caps on the larger opening side and any book we read her. She is kind of obsessed ( hence her phrase - read it followed by the sign for please) 

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    Fun idea!  I like to compare too, even though LO is a bit behind.  At his 12 month appt, pedi cautioned me that because he was preemie, we may be considering EI soon, but pedi was pleased with his progress at his 15 month appt. :)

    walking?  Nope, but just started being able to stand unassisted for about 30 seconds. 

    talking?  Some "words:" mama, dada, papa (both referring to DH, interestingly), up, uh-oh, nana (banana), bey (berry), yellow.

     temper tantrums?  He gets a bit whiny, but has only generated tears like twice.  He's pretty distractable.   

    listening?  Actually, yeah.  He understands commands like sit on your bottom, etc.

     what are they eating?  Any and all fruit, lots of dairy, most carbs.  Not so much on veggies or meats. 

     favorite toy? etc...  Drumstick from his B. You band in a box, shape sorters, the wand from the bubbles, the strings on my sweatshirt.

    BFP#1 "Watermelon" born 3/2011
    BFP#2 "Pumpkin" 7/14/12 ~ EDD 3/23/13 ~ Natural M/C 8/3/12 @ 7 weeks
    BFP#3 "Pineapple"  born 4/2013
    BFP#4 "Grapefruit" EDD 3/29/16
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    Walking - He started taking his first steps a few months ago, but really just started walking about 3.5 weeks ago.

    Talking - His first word was Mama, followed by Dada 5 minutes later.  Now, he says Mom, dada, thank you, milk, yeah, no, uh-oh, ball, dog, kitty, Nannie (my mom).  He also plays this game with DH.  

    DH- Who is the Mister Mans...are you the mister mans.

    Chase - I

    DH - Love the Mister mans.  Who wants to have some milk.  Do you want to have some milk?

    Chase - I

    DH - Want to have some milk. 

    Temper Tantrums, sort of, he generally just cries when he doesn't get his way, but they never last long.

    Listening - Usually, but there are times when he practices selective hearing.

    Eating - Pretty much everything.  We still haven't introduced honey, but he's had everything else.  He had polish sausage with sauerkraut and potato casserole for dinner tonight.  He has things he doesn't like as much, but there is usually enough variety that there is something he will eat.

    Favorite Toy - He has blocks that he loves to stack, and a wooden airplane and car that he plays with and makes the engine noise.  He likes things that make noise, but I think his favorite is just to take everything out of the bins that I keep them in and spread them through the living room, dining room, kitchen and his bedroom. 

    Chase was born 4/23/2011
    Carlene was born 4/18/2014                          A14 siggy challenge:  Junk Food
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    walking? Yup, started a few days after her first birthday, now she's on to running and has almost mastered jumping!

    talking? She has about 15 words and has started mimicking a lot of what we say.  She'll also read books to herself and laugh at the appropriate funny parts, very cute.

    temper tantrums? She's had a few, mostly she just whines for a few seconds and when she realizes I'm not paying attention she plays with something else.

    listening? So long as she's not wrapped up in doing something she listens really well.  She can follow simple instructions.

    what are they eating? Pretty much everything we put in front of her...and anything that somebody else is eating (even if she's already had a full meal).

    favorite toy? The little grocery cart from Target.  She pushes it around everywhere.  She loves dumping it and filling it again.

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    I'm late- but here it is!

    DD just started walking about 2 weeks ago. And she only does it for about 5 steps. And only walking to me. So full on mobile is quite a ways down the road.

    She says- All Done (Ahh Dahn) with her hands out. Mama, daddy, bye, hi. She shakes her head "No" for no AND yes. LOL   She signs- milk, more, all done, please, potty, thank you. She also waves at everyone.

    Favorite toy-   stacking cups and shape sorter and V-tech ABC Train. And her books.

    Tantrums-   see post below. 

    She'll eat just about anything you put in front of her except eggs. and eat, and eat, and eat. (complete opposite of her older sister) 

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    LoCarbLoCarb member


    Talking-she knows selective words and is very conversational w/ her baby signs

    listening-yes (waiting to learn when this will change)

    temper tantrums-hmmm...mine pulls (others) hair when she doesn't get her way-she's a bit of a bully

    eating-everything she's a garbage disposal

    fave toy - guitar

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    Walking:  Yes ...she is started to climb now

     Talking: Yes she has about 8-10 words that she uses consistently.  (we talk to her mostly in portuguese but she only speaks in english...i knew this was going to be hard but I thought i was doing better than i had expected..lol)  She is also very good with animal sounds

    Temper Tantrums: HMM...i don't think so..maybe small ones.  I am sure it willget much worse.

     Listening: She listens and understands..sometimes chooses not to do what we say. 

     Eating: We try to offer her anything we eat which we think she can chew and swallow easily.  She hasn't had nuts or shellfish.  She eats most things...but loves fruit.

     Toys: she loves books and baby dolls


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    Walking - Cruising and some standing, but no walking yet.

    Talking -  No real words but mimicking and lots of babbling

    Temper tantrums - Generally fussy

    Eating - I have a vomiter and horrible eater.  He drinks Pediasure and eats some crackers with cream cheese.  Sometimes bananas and carrots, but not much else.  Won't go near baby food....but don't compare to us, we have serious issue.  Also have peanut and tree nut allergies.

     Favorite toy - He doesn't really have a favorite.  There is a sesame street toy he loves.  Any my 3 1/2 year old is playing with becomes his favorite.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Walking- yes

    Talking- all day long nonstop. He babbles just like he's having a conversation with you. Has started saying a TON out of nowhere. Momma, dadda, Linus, baby, grandma, grandpa, hi, hi there, all gone, uh oh, bye bye, what's that, what's this, what's up with that, book, yoda (thanks to his yoda robeez), nanna (banana), water, up, ball, kitty, meow, duck, quack, monkey, monkey noises, and switch (which sounds like b!tch half the time). I think that's it as of today.  

    His favorite toy is any sort of ball or whatever Fiona is playing with.

     He has perfected his temper tantrums once Fiona got here 

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