
Just got IVF plan from my nurse!

It's really happening! baseline b/w and u/s came back clear. Started BCP Monday and have my saline sono Tuesday. Set to start Lupron the 9th and HCG and Gonal F the 18th, assuming everything goes well. Projected ER last week of August. I'm very nervous, but very excited at the same time!!
Me: 29 DH: 30 TTC # 1 since 2008, in denial of needing an RE until 2012 DX with severe MFI, straight to IVF IVF #1 August 2012- stims 8/18, ER 8/28- 18R, 11M, 10F. 9/3 ET cancelled due to chronic OHSS. 6 awesome embies on ice! 9/27 FET Beta #1: 427-BFP!!! Beta #2: 856 First u/s 10/15: two sacs!! Ahh, twins!! imageBabyFruit Ticker

Re: Just got IVF plan from my nurse!

  • That's great!  So exciting to have a plan!  GL!
    Married July 2011; TTC since April 2011; DX: MFI
    IVF #1 in August 2012: BFP!
    L was born on May 5, 2013, 8lb. 6oz.
    PAIF/SAIF welcome!

    Our Project Make A Baby

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Good luck!

    ***signature & ticker warning***

    Me: 30 ~ Stage IV Endo ~ AMH .38 ~ AFC 8
    AMH .97 as of 4/2012! ~ AMH 1.63 as of 4/2013!?!

    Him: 29 ~ perfect swimmers

    Laparotomy w/partial oophorectomy 8/2009 to remove cysts/endo.
    Stopped BCP 4/2010.
    Multiple clomid rounds from 11/2010 to 6/2011. ~ All BFN
    IUI w/clomid 7/2011. IUI w/clomid & injectables 11/2011 & 1/2012. ~ All BFN

    IVF:EPP 5/2012 ~ (4R, 3M, 2F w/ICSI). Both embryos txfrd. ~ BFN
    BCP to manage endo from 10/2012 to 12/2012.
    FET w/donor embryos #1: 10/2013 Cancelled
    FET w/donor embryos #1.2: 11/2013
    ~ ET of 2 beautiful blasts on 11/27.
    Beta 1: 503(12dp5dt) Beta 2: 1035(14dpt) Beta 3: 3001(16dpt)
    Beta 4: 8503(19dpt)
    Twins with an EDD of 8/15/14! Team Purple
    G&B born 6/30/14 at 33w3d via emergency c/s.

    If you're wondering about my's a fried pickle chip shaped like a fetus!


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  • Awesome! Good luck!
    Me: 30, DH: 30
    ~*~Married 8/31/08~*~

    DX: MFI due to Chemo/Stem Cell Transplant for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. RE said IVF is best option with DH's frozen boys.
    IVF #1 April 2012: Menopur and Bravelle; 1 egg retrieved, 0 fertilized. Boo.
    IVF #2 August 2012: Gonal-F 300, Menopur 300. Beta #1 9/6: 382... BFPx2!

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    Our boys couldn't wait to meet us! Colin and Kieran arrived March 26, 2013 at 33w1d.

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  • It is very exciting and nerve-racking all at once! Good luck!

    ~TTC#1 Since July 2011~ 
    Dx: Fibroids & Tubal Infertility
                                                        9/12 -IVF#1 =BFN; 5/14 -IVF#2=BFP:-) EDD 2.19.2015                                                

    S/PAIF Welcome 


    BabyFetus Ticker

  • It's so nice to have a plan!  GL!
    Me 38, DB 38. Unexplained infertility. TTC 3 years. 3 failed IUI's. IVF #1 5-20. 3 embies transferred day 3. First beta 5-31. BFN. IVF#2 ER 7-31. 3 embies transferred day 3. Beta 1=144. beta #2=527. beta#3 3027. US: 1 perfect heartbeat at 156!
    BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Such mixed emotions! But glad you are moving forward and have a good plan. Good luck!
    me:37 DH: 37, married 2009
    unexplained infertility 
    4 IUI cycles= CP
    IVF #1=18 eggs retrieved, 16 mature and 14 fert. with ICSI ("freeze all" at day 2 OHSS)
    FET #1- 2 (day3) embies, BFP 

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  • GL with your cycle :)
    dx: MFI 0% morph & low count. Occasional Anovulatory cycles.

    TTC #1
    • IVF #1 4/21/12 - c/p
    • IVF#2 8/1/12 - BFP! DD arrived 4/10/2013.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC #2
    • FET #1 3/18/14 - BFP! DS arrived 11/19/2014.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Woohoo! Always exciting to have a plan and get started, GL!
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