August 2011 Moms

Poll - water fun at birthday party

I want to have a kiddie pool for the kids at DS's birthday party. I need to buy something new because the pool I have is teeny tiny. There will be seven or eight kids, most of them around 18 months old, plus a two year old and a four year old.

I was thinking it would fun to have something more exciting than just a pool, but my party planning skills stink and I'm afraid of spending too much money on something the kids will hate.


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Re: Poll - water fun at birthday party

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    I'd buy a plain 'ol regular sprinkler for $15 at Target.  I found that they are better than those crazy sprinklers because kids like the predictability and don't have to worry about getting randomly sprayed in the face.  Even kids who don't like water have fun running under the sprinkler.  A baby pool filled with water toys is just as fun as a water table. 

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    I would also buy a fun sprinkler.

    One would hope parents would keep a close eye on their children, but I would be hesitant to open myself up to issues with a pool (even a small pool) at a party.

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