January 2012 Moms

Baby wants Mommy!

My LO is definitely in the stage where he wants Mommy or Daddy; no strangers. I love that I don't have to share him with relatives or friends when we are out. On the other hand, I don't like that we can't leave him (safely) in a room alone for a few minutes anymore. He screams when he realizes that he can't see me or H. Anyone else having mixed feelings about baby's awareness of Mom and Dad?

Re: Baby wants Mommy!

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    We have been going thru this for at least a month or better. She does ok with strangers but as soon as she realizes we are out of her sight the meltdown begins. I can talk to her when I am walking around the house but she does not care. As soon as I am back in sight she calms down. I am at a loss as to how to fix this. I am hoping this is a phase and she will ease up on having to be attached to me hip.
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    my dd only wants me, she will some what com down if dh holds her. my in laws hate that shes a mamas girl and only wants me. she hates for strangers even if its family to hold her. if we hold her shes fine to play and talk to strangers, but dont try and hold her. it drives our familys nuts that im all she wants but oh well get over it. sry I simi enjoy that my in laws have hard time holding her. but it does drive me nuts that I cant walk out of the room with out her screaming and throwing a fit.
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    Yup! It is an amazing feeling to see your baby reach out for you and see that she knows who you are and chooses you!  I love it! But it is tough when she starts screaming the minute we leave the room. She's still pretty good at daycare though. I think it's because she sees them so often but I wonder if the full on separation anxiety kicks in where even that may become an issue.


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    I love it when my baby wants his mommy. My heart melts! Plus when he cries, I can calm him down the fastest. Mommy rules!
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