January 2012 Moms

Baby Food Recommendations

We have our 6 month appointment on Friday and am guessing we'll start solids.  Typically I'd try to research a little more, but does anyone have any recommendations of the best store bought baby foods?  I know I should probably just make it, but I work crazy hours and just don't see that happening. TIA!
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Re: Baby Food Recommendations

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    I don't have any recommendations for store bought brands, but a good site for what foods to introduce now, check out this page.


    The site is mostly about making your own, but you can follow that chart for store bought food too.  Just follow the rule of waiting at least 4 days before introducing the next food so you can see if LO is allergic to anything.

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    The only thing I would recommend is finding a baby food that doesn't contain BPA.  Glass jars have BPA in the lids, as does most canned food/formula since it is used as a lining to prevent rust. We make our own and freeze it in batches, pop out three "meals" every night for the next day.  
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    We use Gerber and make our own. I like to start with the store bought, DS is still having trouble with texture, and we can try different foods without me trying to make them all. And when I feel up to it, I will make a batch and freeze it. It is really handy to have the store bought though, especially when you are away from home. And I just don't have the time or desire to try to make a bunch of different foods right now.
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    We make most of our own food.  However, we do use some store bought food for trips and going out.   We use Sprout.  They seem to be the best when it comes to keeping foods from being cross contaminated with other foods.   My first son has food allergies so it is really important for me to know that LOs food is not contaminated with other foods, especially ones that could be allergens for him due to his brother's allergies.
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    I make it, but use store bought for trips and foods not worth the hassle to do on our own like green beans. Last time I used Earth's Best because it was the only big line that was organic. This time there are lots of options. I'll probably try out some of the pouch kinds like Sprout or Happy Baby. I was still happy with EB, too.

    Personally, I'd avoid Gerber and Beech nut, as well as the baby "desserts". 

    DS 5 years old
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    We like Beechnut :o) We use the rice, oatmeal and all the fruits and veggies.
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