January 2012 Moms

Random thoughts of a bored woman - come play :P

Work is insanely slow today...

So what are the little random things you wonder about.

Mine is: Why do people always look up when riding in an elevator?

And go

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Re: Random thoughts of a bored woman - come play :P

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    I wonder where the handshake came from.  It's obviously a cultural thing as not everyone does it, but who decided holding hands and shaking it up and down is a good way to greet someone?
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    I wonder why common sense isn't more common. People can be so dumb!
    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    Currently I'm wondering if I can stand my husband for the rest of my life. I sure hope my son takes after me!
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