Food Allergy

allergic moms? nuts?

I'm highly allergic to all nuts & our pedi recommended having DD avoid until she was 2 b/c of my allergy.  That-being-said...she's almost 2 & I'm concerned as to how we will introduce them.

we keep a nut-free house to keep me safe (cross contamination is the enemy! haha) do i send her to my parent's house to test it?  just have her avoid all together?  anyone have a similar situation?

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Re: allergic moms? nuts?

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    if you're deadly allergic to nuts, i would avoid giving them to your DD for your sake. And perhaps have your parents bake a muffin with some PB in it and just give her a TINY bit.  this way she's not eating direct peanuts where you would react. 

    Also, next time she's at the doc appt, i would have them draw blood and have her tested or to go the allergist and have a skin test. 

    The only thing is, as you probably already know, most reactions happen on the second or third exposure. So if your parents give her nuts and she's fine, doesn't mean she's in clear.. i would repeat the process at least 2 or 3 more times. 

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    I would take her to an allergist, have her tested, and see what the allergist advises.  I think this is beyond your pedi's area of expertise.  My older DD is severely allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, so our house is also nut-free.  DD2 has shown no signs of food allergies, but our allergist recommends total avoidance until age 3.  She also thinks infrequent exposure to highly allergenic foods is not a good idea, so we may not introduce nuts to DD2 at all.
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