April 2012 Moms

I should have listened...

Back when we were all still pregnant and discussing stroller options (oh, the good ol' days!), the vast majority of 2+ moms warned against getting a travel system because the stroller would be so bulky and not convenient and blah blah blah. 

At the time, I was like 'psh, whatever, I am so getting one anyways", so I did. But the 2+ moms were right (per usual), and I just broke down and ordered a freaking snap and go because I can't stand my huge travel system stroller.

sigh. Live and learn! 


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Re: I should have listened...

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    Is a snap n go worth out this late in the game? Our babies should all be big enough to sit in the regular stroller now.
    April 2012 Mamas Blog

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    Well DD is still pretty small- the main reason I got it was because her daycare classroom is a loooooong walk from the parking lot and I'd rather not lug the heavy infant seat twice a day. She's only about 11 lbs, so I figure I have a few more months of use out of it, at least

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    How big do they have to be? I flippin hate my chicco double!
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    Is a snap n go worth out this late in the game? Our babies should all be big enough to sit in the regular stroller now.

    My stroller says not until 6 months. 

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    I've been putting Lyla in the stroller for a while now.  I have it reclined as far back as it goes.  She's still alive.

    S/O strollers, I'm about to order the City Mini double.  Surprise

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    I am definitely going to have to look into lighter strollers once the snap and go is no longer an option- this travel system stroller is a pain in the a$$ to fit in my trunk, and is a huge hassle to even unfold the thing. Hate it. 

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    I have to rave about my travel system.  I have the Aprica moto and I love it.  Ya, it still isn't the smallest thing on the block, but it is smaller than any other travel system and works really nicely.
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    I have a travel system, and I love it. The stroller itself is not small, but I don't have any issues putting it in, taking it out, and setting it up. I like that I have places to put things when we got out.
    A - 4/27/12     D - 7/14/14
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    DH thought the snap n go was a waste of $ and wanted to go straight to a big stroller. I won that battle and he tells me all the time how glad he is we have the snap n go. It is so light and maneuvers great. We use it everywhere. We have the Chicco model.
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    I've been putting Lyla in the stroller for a while now.  I have it reclined as far back as it goes.  She's still alive.

    S/O strollers, I'm about to order the City Mini double.  Surprise

    I now have stroller envy!
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    vtwd40vtwd40 member

    DH thought the snap n go was a waste of $ and wanted to go straight to a big stroller. I won that battle and he tells me all the time how glad he is we have the snap n go. It is so light and maneuvers great. We use it everywhere. We have the Chicco model.

    Same!! I love it! I can toss it in and out of the car with no trouble. Well get a cheap 5point umbrella stroller once she's 6 months, but it's so nice to just pull out the seat and snap it into a light stroller when we're going places.

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    I have a travel system, and I love it. The stroller itself is not small, but I don't have any issues putting it in, taking it out, and setting it up. I like that I have places to put things when we got out.
    I feel the same way. I have an suv, so it fits fine in the back. I just keep it there for whenever I need it. I'm sure if I had a smaller car it would be more of an issue.
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    I have a Travel System and enjoy it, it's the Chicco Trevi with the Keyfit Base.  no major complaints here and it is really easy to lift and put into the car.

    Good luck!!

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    I have a travel system, and I love it. The stroller itself is not small, but I don't have any issues putting it in, taking it out, and setting it up. I like that I have places to put things when we got out.
    I feel the same way. I have an suv, so it fits fine in the back. I just keep it there for whenever I need it. I'm sure if I had a smaller car it would be more of an issue.

    Same!  I loved my travel system when it was just DS. I had no problem getting it in and out of my sedan.

    I guess that is why I feel the City Select isn't so huge now.

    Sorry no paragraphs, bumping from my phone.
    I once had a picture until the trolls showed up.
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    TTC #1 7/08 PCOS dx 8/28/04 Met 1000 mg and Clomid cycles 1-4 1/6/09-5/2/09 BFN
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    First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm.
    K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks.

    Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11! Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
    K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
    "If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."
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    I love my chicco travel system. I have the chicco cortina and don't find it to be a hassle at all. I love getting it out.
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    I've been putting Lyla in the stroller for a while now.  I have it reclined as far back as it goes.  She's still alive.

    S/O strollers, I'm about to order the City Mini double.  Surprise

    PSST!!  I bought the Britax B-Agile Double and I think its way awesomer than my friend's City Mini double...just sayin. 

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    I am definitely going to have to look into lighter strollers once the snap and go is no longer an option- this travel system stroller is a pain in the a$$ to fit in my trunk, and is a huge hassle to even unfold the thing. Hate it. 

    I have a MaClaren stroller that only weighs 7 pounds, and was not that expensive (granted, someone else bought it for us).  Haven't put DS in it yet, but it is nice and lightweight.   

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    I am definitely going to have to look into lighter strollers once the snap and go is no longer an option- this travel system stroller is a pain in the a$$ to fit in my trunk, and is a huge hassle to even unfold the thing. Hate it. 

    I have a MaClaren stroller that only weighs 7 pounds, and was not that expensive (granted, someone else bought it for us).  Haven't put DS in it yet, but it is nice and lightweight.   

    Thanks! I am definitely going to look into that...Lighter is definitely a plus for me 


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    dojo1dojo1 member

    Is a snap n go worth out this late in the game? Our babies should all be big enough to sit in the regular stroller now.

    My lo acts like I'm pulling off his arms when I put him in his car seat, but is ok o ce in it.  At this point I wouldn't dare drive somewhere and then remove him from his carseat to go into a stroller.  

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    I did the same thing the first time, all well!! I still like to use the snap and go this time too, I used it up until 9 months or so last timr. DS was in the infant seat until well over a year, since it goes to 32 lbs and he is skinny.
        DS1 9.24.2010      DS2 4.18.2012        DS3 12.15.2013

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