Food Allergy

Dairy Trial question from a lurker

Hi ladies,

I am guilty of lurking on your board a lot and posting on the preemie board but I have a question I hope you can help with.

My DD is almost 17m old and has had a dairy intolerance most of her life. She never had real allergy symptoms but when I ate dairy and BFed, her reflux would get worse, she would sleep badly, and it would seem like her stomach was upset. So we quit dairy. Her pedi and nutritionist both encouraged us to start her on diary yogurt to see how she tolerates it. So we've done yogurt for about a week now.

 Last night she was up for 3 hours unable to totally relax. Eventually she passed some gas and was finally able to fall asleep. It felt a lot like when she would react to dairy in the past but this is the first reaction she's had all week. She is also getting all 4 molars right now so it could be teething related. Or just a baby fluke.  Any thoughts or ideas?

Re: Dairy Trial question from a lurker

  • I have heard that intolerances/allergies etc don't always happen on the first try, which is why they say to start foods one at a time for 3-4 days.  So, I would think she is still having some troubles with digestion.  Have you tried starting with a milk based probiotic first?  This could start your trial with milk, plus it is supposed to help with digestion (but, to be honest, our GI doctor kinda shrugged it off when I said we were giving DD one every day and said to not waste our money- but that was just his opinion).  It may be a tamer way of getting back on milk for you guys.  Just a thought!


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  • they probably had you try yogurt b/c it's the calmest type of dairy on a child's belly.    Personally i would avoid it for a couple of weeks and then try a little bit of it again.  I don't think it's a fluke at all.   I think dairy causes major issues and most people don't even know about it. I feel like dairy is the cause of all evil... or all illnesses. (yes, a bit extreme).

    Getting molars should not create painful gas (at least i don't think so).  So the best way to check is to avoid dairy for a couple of weeks (or a month) and then try a little again and if she has issues than avoid.  She just may be intolerant to it.

    good luck!


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  • kck329kck329 member

    I have heard that intolerances/allergies etc don't always happen on the first try, which is why they say to start foods one at a time for 3-4 days.  So, I would think she is still having some troubles with digestion.  Have you tried starting with a milk based probiotic first?  This could start your trial with milk, plus it is supposed to help with digestion (but, to be honest, our GI doctor kinda shrugged it off when I said we were giving DD one every day and said to not waste our money- but that was just his opinion).  It may be a tamer way of getting back on milk for you guys.  Just a thought!


    Thanks! She does get a probiotic already for other GI issues, I think its dairy-based but I haven't checked because trace elements have never bothered her.  But I have wondered if the repeated exposure to the yogurt caused issues so I'm glad to hear its not unusual.

  • kck329kck329 member

    they probably had you try yogurt b/c it's the calmest type of dairy on a child's belly.    Personally i would avoid it for a couple of weeks and then try a little bit of it again.  I don't think it's a fluke at all.   I think dairy causes major issues and most people don't even know about it. I feel like dairy is the cause of all evil... or all illnesses. (yes, a bit extreme).

    Getting molars should not create painful gas (at least i don't think so).  So the best way to check is to avoid dairy for a couple of weeks (or a month) and then try a little again and if she has issues than avoid.  She just may be intolerant to it.

    good luck!


    Yep--that's why we started with yogurt. I think we will wait a few weeks and try again. Its a bit frustrating because her pedi doesn't seem concerned at all. I get that its not a real allergy and she can outgrow it still but it makes me worry about getting the right nutrition for her and so on. 

  • LSU628LSU628 member
    when DD"s allergist was having us introduce dairy, she had us start in baked goods and very, very small amounts. Like she had me get a cookie and give DD a portion the size of my pinky nail the 1st day, the 2nd a little bit bigger, then doubling it everyday to see if there was a reaction. Maybe instead of jumping to the dairy in a raw form, try introducing it in something baked to see if she tolerates it better. GL!
  • like PP said, i would first start with hidden like pancakes, baked goods etc. then try cooked cheese like pizza. then yogurt, then cheese, then milk. 
  • kck329kck329 member

    like PP said, i would first start with hidden like pancakes, baked goods etc. then try cooked cheese like pizza. then yogurt, then cheese, then milk. 

    Thanks-this is a great suggestion! I'll wait a week to let her teeth break through and then start again. Honestly, I don't care if she eats dairy or not but I'd like to know before she goes to preschool in September. 

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