January 2012 Moms

I've lost my marbles

I've posted in the past that we are totally unhappy with our daycare and have been looking for another option since! Well great news - my mom is moving here and she will be watching DD :) I'm so super excited.

On Monday I told the daycare and guess what... I F'N CRIED!!!! I was so sad.

Serioysly what is wrong with me? W.T.F.?!?!?!

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Re: I've lost my marbles

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    That's great that you found a better option.  What's more, it's probably free (or cheap anyway).

    As for the crying, it's not weird to get emotional when it comes to changing something in LO's life.  It's for the better though.

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    It won't be free at first since we are kind of helping my mom until she gets settled in. But most important thing is that I know DD will be well taken care of.And yes I guess anything related to DD is touching and emotional . I just didn't think that even leaving a place i don't like would make me react this way. Totally caught me off guard
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