January 2012 Moms


Why oh why won't my child sleep anymore?!?!  I'm not sure how much more sleepless nights I can take.  He used to be such an easy sleeper.  He would only wake up once at night to eat and would go right back down.  Now we are getting up every 45 minutes to an hour.

BFP 10/1/2010 MMC D&C at 11w4d
BFP 3/15/2011 M/C at 6w
BFP 5/25/2011 DS1 born 1:11pm on 1/16/2012
BFP 10/18/2013 EDD 6/28/2014 GROW BABY GROW!!!!

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Re: Sleep

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    I know how you feel. Only DD has NEVER slept good (well except for a short period of time between 3-4 months) But that was so long ago and has been replaced with horrible sleeping, or should I say no sleeping habits that it is only a distant memory and sometimes I even wonder if it really happened LOL

    We are trying the CIO method starting tonight! Not sure if that is what you need to do since your LO is typically a good sleeper.. Maybe he is just dealing with teething or a growth spurt. Let's hope it's just a temporary thing and he goes back to being his old good sleeping self :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    We moved over the weekend and I'm just hoping it's because of new surroundings.  I don't know if CIO would help or not.  Let's hope he either gets used to his new room or he is having a growth spurt and it ends soon.  Poor little booger

    BFP 10/1/2010 MMC D&C at 11w4d
    BFP 3/15/2011 M/C at 6w
    BFP 5/25/2011 DS1 born 1:11pm on 1/16/2012
    BFP 10/18/2013 EDD 6/28/2014 GROW BABY GROW!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    We moved over the weekend and I'm just hoping it's because of new surroundings.  I don't know if CIO would help or not.  Let's hope he either gets used to his new room or he is having a growth spurt and it ends soon.  Poor little booger

    Oh yeah, he's probably just adjusting to his new place. Let's hope it doesn't last long! FX!!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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