January 2012 Moms

totes a first mom post

So i realize how ridic this may sound but i am all of a sudden faced with my little babe turning 6 months old tomorrow and upon that i am officially starting her on food... she's gobbled a little here and there but nothing too grand.


BUUUUUUT i am legitimately freaking out a little bit. so dumb i know, but I am all like what if i don't feed her enough variety and she ends up hating everything that comes from a pod??!? or what if i feed her too many things and give her food displasia (what?!)


plus i'm feeling really goofy, maybe because I need to go to bed. but anyways, point being, how do y'all keep track of what you've introduced and what you still plan to? I feel like i'm such a boring eater, i don't want to make her a boring eater too!

eliza bopple
Eliza born 1-25-12
Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14

Re: totes a first mom post

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    Yep, don't stress about it.  What we do now with solids is more to introduce foods, not dictating their future eating habits.  I say as long as you aren't introducing new foods back to back, you're probably fine.  Hell, if you don't have a history of food allergies, chances are you're probably fine even if you introduce a new food every day. 

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    Solids are fun! Try to enjoy it. Introduce as much as you can, while observing a 3-4 day wait period in between foods. You might be really surprised the foods your LO will love!

    I recommend Wholesomebabyfood.com even if you're not making your own food. It's full of great information, including how to tackle starting solids.

    As far as keeping track, I do make my own food, so I keep a document on the computer set up as a calendar with what food I'll give her when so that I can plan ahead of time what I'll need to make. I have laid out a few months ahead. I know some of that will change, but as I've gathered info like what food is okay at what month, I've wanted to have an outline for myself. 

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    Wtf is food displasia?! I keep track of what I introduce to her in a very high-tech notebook. I also keep the grocery list there. It's a multi-tasker. Smile Seriously, I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless you have major allergies in your family. Try to feed her a variety, but don't stress. I really believe that if you stress, she will stress. Food is fun! 


    i totally made up that word, not real as far as i know, just being a gooof ;)


    anyways, thanks for letting me know what you guys do, I am excited to start food and I won't stress about it... I guess if I think about it as more just introducing the food and not think so much about actual ingestion that will probably be good too... 

    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    I printed the list off wholesomebabyfood.com and mark things off as we try them.  https://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/solidfoodchartbyfood.htm


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    Wtf is food displasia?! I keep track of what I introduce to her in a very high-tech notebook. I also keep the grocery list there. It's a multi-tasker. Smile Seriously, I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless you have major allergies in your family. Try to feed her a variety, but don't stress. I really believe that if you stress, she will stress. Food is fun! 

    This.  Mine has a pretty purple cover.

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    Wtf is food displasia?! I keep track of what I introduce to her in a very high-tech notebook. I also keep the grocery list there. It's a multi-tasker. Smile Seriously, I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless you have major allergies in your family. Try to feed her a variety, but don't stress. I really believe that if you stress, she will stress. Food is fun! 

    This.  Mine has a pretty purple cover.

    You guys are so much more together than I am. I glance in our recycling bin before I leave for the grocery store to see what she's had. 

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    So i realize how ridic this may sound but i am all of a sudden faced with my little babe turning 6 months old tomorrow and upon that i am officially starting her on food... she's gobbled a little here and there but nothing too grand.


    BUUUUUUT i am legitimately freaking out a little bit. so dumb i know, but I am all like what if i don't feed her enough variety and she ends up hating everything that comes from a pod??!? or what if i feed her too many things and give her food displasia (what?!)


    plus i'm feeling really goofy, maybe because I need to go to bed. but anyways, point being, how do y'all keep track of what you've introduced and what you still plan to? I feel like i'm such a boring eater, i don't want to make her a boring eater too!

    HAHAHA I hear ya! I've introduced DD to bananas which she loves and I'd give them to her every few days. And then I"ve tried avocado so far. She didn't like it the first day. The second day she loved it BUT that's b/c I mixed banana in. So now I'm irrationally thinking that she'll need banana with everything hahahah

    I'm also a bit nervous to pull the trigger on solids. I keep thinking - what if she doesn't get enough formula then or is she thirsty afterwards (she still doesn't quite like water). All these ridiculous thoughts going through my head. But it's time.

    The fact is, just like everyone says and we all know. We won't break our babies, They will be just fine. As long as we make it fun and don't force things they will enjoy it too. And we are moms we will pick up on our baby's ques and know what they need :)


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    i'm def checking out wholesome baby food, thanks ladies! and smitty, you crack me up, as usual ;) big bear, i think we would be friends in real life lol
    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    i'm def checking out wholesome baby food, thanks ladies! and smitty, you crack me up, as usual ;) big bear, i think we would be friends in real life lol

    YUP all of this :)

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