January 2012 Moms

We have another allergy - sesame/tahini

This weekend I was letting LO lick baba ganoush off of a cucumber.  He seemed to really like the flavor, and cleaned the bowl.  But about an hour later, he had blotches around his mouth and chin (the same reaction he had to egg whites). He has had lemon and garlic and eggplant in other forms, so I'm guessing it is the sesame seeds in the tahini. 

I just wanted to give you all a head's up since hummus, which contains tahini, is referred to often in BLW literature as a good dipping food.  But after LO had his reaction, I did a little reading and found that sesame is the 9th most common food allergy.  Some sites recommend not introducing it until after they turn 1.  We will try again then. 

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Re: We have another allergy - sesame/tahini

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    Me too!  DH and I eat anything and everything - literally, everything.  We really want LO to develop a wide palate and these silly allergies are slowing our roll. 

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    Trader Joe's has a delicious Tahini free one. It's my favorite.
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