
Daycare and maybe crafty moms...need suggestions!

Does your DC come home with lots of crafts.  DD is always bringing home different pictures that she's drawn or things they did during craft time.  I can't bring myself to throw any of this stuff away but it's really starting to pile up.  What do you do with your DC's stuff?  Can anyone think of a good way for me to preserve them?
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Re: Daycare and maybe crafty moms...need suggestions!

  • It's kind of spread all over my house, hiding in various drawers and such b/c I don't know what to do with it.  I did read somewhere that you should take a picture of your DC with the picture, though.  I think that sounds like a great idea, not that I've done it yet.
  • I have a large photo album where I store a lot of it. I've considered scanning them in and making a photo book at Shutterfly. Or using some of them to wrap gifts to her grandparents. And I did cut up a few pieces to use in a collage I made for her playroom.?
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  • DD started preschool this year and I'm saving everything she has made and I can't throw it out either.  I've been collecting it in a plastic tub.  I plan to keep it for the year and then take a few pieces for each month and put them in a binder (in a plastic sleeve) and label it preschool 1.  She'll do 3 years of preschool due to being a November baby and missing the kindergarten age cut off.  I figure maybe 2-3 pieces a month will make about a binder of 30 or so.  But I won't get rid of the other stuff until the end of the year, if I can even do it then.  I love this stuff. 
  • I just threw out a bunch of DS's 'artwork' that was mostly scribbles on printed out coloring pages. I felt so horrible.
  • I just take pic of it, then save it on our photobucket account. If it's really cute I post it on the blog...

     Random coloring pages get tossed though...

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