January 2012 Moms

Maybe the next one will be a cuddle bug

There is no snuggling with this LO. Ever.  *Sigh*

Yesterday in the nursery at church there was a little boy just a month older than DS, and when he started getting tired he held his arms out for me to hold him.  I just sat with him in a rocking chair, and he layed perfectly still against me for a while then just fell asleep. It was precious :)

Ours...he's not having this.  I can't sit with him, snuggle, sing, rock...nothing.  He pushes against me, straightens his legs so he can't sit, shrieks, squirms, anything he can do, even when he's tired.  He just wants to stand and bounce up and down on my lap, which is fine...but sometimes mama just needs a little cuddle time!  We don't even do snuggle time before bed because, well, it just doesn't happen.  He gets his PJs on, bottle, then right to bed.  We've given up rocking him to sleep because it takes a good 20 minutes and many tears...whereas he's out in 5 minutes max if we just put him in the crib.  

Now I am NOT complaining about my child's ability to soothe himself...I'm not going to take that for granted!  But can't a girl just get a good 5 (or 1) minute snuggle (and maybe a book) with one of her favorite buddies?


Re: Maybe the next one will be a cuddle bug

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    Braeden is the same way. The only time I get even a little snuggle time is when he was sick last month.  
    Brenda & Phillip married 10/10/09 

    After 6 years of failed cycles, we were blessed with our little man through adoption. 
    B born 1/3/2012. Adoption finalized 12/27/12

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    Ughh Camille use to be a snuggler:( Now since she is mobile, I don't stand a chance. She either is trying to get down, roll over, or something else. Guess those days are over:(
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    My daughter is the same way. She's been very independent and alert from the beginning and never a big cuddler. Now that she's moving all around we don't stand much of a chance. At least I get to cuddle her when she nurses, but DH and DS take it a little personally. She's the sweetest little baby, but too busy to cuddle! 
    DS 5 years old
    DD 2 years old
    {Baby GIRL due 6.1}

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