January 2012 Moms

What's your schedule?

Hello January moms,

We are struggling with DD's sleep schedule, and I was wondering what yours looks like.  I know, I know, all babies are different... blah, blah, blah.  But, our schedule is clearly not working for DD, as she has stopped extending her naps and is exhausted all the time.  I think we're putting her down to sleep too early, leading to a short nap, which then leads to her being too tired, which leads to a short nap.  Because babies are crazy like that.

When she was extending naps, this was her schedule:

5-5:30 wake (shoot me in the head, yes she wakes up this early)

8:00 nap 1 for 1-1.5 hours

12:00 nap 2 for 2 hours

4:00 nap 3 for 30-45 minutes (really just to be rested enough to make it to bedtime)

6:00 start bedtime routine.  Put her down when she finishes her night time bottle, usually around 7.

She still usually wakes 2x at night, with no regularity.  First wake up is between 11:30-2:00, second wake up is between 2:00-5 (if it's at 5, she's up for the day).

I'm beginning to think of switching to FF just so we know how much she's eating so we know she's not waking due to hunger (I've had supply issues so I'm always nervous she's hungry.  Right now I offer a 2 oz bottle after breastfeeding which she may or may not take). 

Her new schedule is:

5-5:30: wake

7:40: nap 1 (too tired to make it to 8), usually for 45 minutes

nap 2: about 2 hours after she wakes, also 45 minutes

nap 3: may not happen.  Yes, that's right, she might not nap, even with multiple attempts to put her down (including driving in the car) meaning she's awake until....

sometime around 5:30 start bedtime routine.  Asleep around 6:15.


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Re: What's your schedule?

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    Our LO was taking long naps on and off until we just kept him up a little longer.  Usually we'd put him down at the first sign of being tired, but now we wait about a half hour more (it usually ends up being 2 1/2-3 hrs after his last nap).  Now he always takes 2 long naps.  That seems to have done the trick for us.  HTH!  Sorry I have no advice for the feeding...we weren't able to BF :(


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    I definitely feel like she needs to go down to 2 naps.  I tried keeping her up until 8:15 yesterday and she couldn't sleep at all, took 20 minutes to get down and then was up in 30 minutes.  Today my husband put her down at 7:40 (I got my weekly sleep-in, so I wasn't around to encourage him to wait).  She was up at 8:30, and back down for a nap at 10:15.  This is not going to be a good day.

    I feel like we're looking for the sweet spot... 

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    3, even 4 naps is still normal at this point.  Our LO just went down to 3 in the past few weeks.  Here's a thought, don't know if it will work for you or not.  Do you let LO put herself to sleep, or do you rock her to sleep?  We've found that DS fights less and goes to sleep quicker when he soothes himself.  When we try to rock him (because sometimes we just want a little cuddle time :)  ) he fights it harder and longer.  I think in his mind if he's still around people there's still entertainment to be had.  He doesn't want to go to sleep and miss anything!  The more tired he is, the longer it takes.  


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    LO's schedule has been the same for quite a while:

    6:30-7:00 am - Wake up for the day

    9:00 am - Nap 1 (1.5-2 hours) 

    1:00 am - Nap 2 (1.5-2 hrs)

    4:30 pm - MAYBE a small 30 minute catnap

    7:30 pm - Bedtime

    It seems to work for him. Sometimes, his naps are shorter. And if we are out in the car or something he will be sleeping longer in the late afternoon.  

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    DS's schedule is sometimes unpredictable as I let him set the schedule.

    Anytime between 6:30 and 7:30 am - Wake up

    2 hours after wakeup (starts at 8-9:30)- nap for 1 hour

    2-3 hours after waking from that nap (starts at 11-12:30) - nap for 1 hour

    3-4 hours after waking from that nap (starts at 3-4:30) - nap for 30 min to 1 hour

    7:30 - bedtime

    Sometimes he'll only sleep for half an hour, but sometimes he'll sleep longer than an hour.  Other days, he'll sneak in a catnap at 5:30 or 6pm.  Now that he's crib trained, I'm trying to establish a more solid nap schedule.

    At night, he usually wakes 3-4 times for feeding.  I'm working on spacing his feedings out more in the hopes he'll night wean.

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    Wake up - 6:00 (sometimes earlier, but we don't get him until 6...sometimes he gives us a break and sleeps until 6:30)

    Nap 1 - 9:00-10:00 (he almost always 1 hour on the nose)

    Nap 2 - 1:00-? (average about 1.5 hours...sometimes 20 min...sometimes 2 hours)

    Bed between 6 & 7

    He now wakes up twice (around 12ish and around 4ish) to eat and go right back to sleep.  I ebf and just started solids last week. 

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    Thanks for all the replies!

    Yesterday actually ended up being a great nap day, but trying to replicate it today was a total fail.  We had a zombie baby for most of the day.  Boo.  I think I would be much more sane if there was any amount of predictability in her napping.  

    We have sleep-trained before, so she was going down on her own.  We've slipped back into helping her sooth to sleep (by shush-pat, not rocking as that is generally too stimulating for her).  I don't want to sleep train if she doesn't have a sleep pattern though - just in case we're putting her down when she really is awake.  But perhaps it might be necessary...  So much to think about... 

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    Hang in there!  Figuring out his schedule has made a HUGE difference for us.  A few weeks ago when it got screwed up he was getting up every 1-2 hours (sometimes every 30 minutes) and requiring 20-30 minutes of rocking/holding/sushing to go down.  Now he is putting himself down for naps and night with a few cries.  I didn't think it was possible with my high-maintenance little guy!
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