August 2011 Moms

privacy question

This is an honest question - I'd really like to know your thoughts/reasoning.

I don't post pics of DS on here because it's a public site and you never know what creepers come on here just to look. I have this weird thought in my head that anyone could come on here and easily copy pics and have pics of me or DS on their computer. I haven't seen anything recently, but I know a long time ago (long time ago = when we were all still pregnant lol) that I came across threads about bumpies stealing other bumpies' pics.

So, do those of you who post pictures not share this concern? Do you have your own personal rules about what types of pictures you post?

ETA - I posted this because I always think about posting on the HBDB or POTW threads, but always stop before posting.

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Re: privacy question

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    So, do those of you who post pictures not share this concern? I think about this and sometimes I think hmmmm maybe I should not post pictures but you know what I feel like there should be the benefit of the doubt to just be able to not feel scared and just post a picture of me & my LO or one of just him to share with my fellow mommies.

    Do you have your own personal rules about what types of pictures you post? I try not to have any pictures exposing any of his private parts.

    I do feel though what is the difference of posting a picture than having one in your siggy or avatar..Not like people can't copy it. Or when people write their name on the photo people can still snag it but that is just my opinion.


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    Well, if the issue is about people stealing your pics and using them for something commercial, you can always put watermarks on the photos. Unless you make them very obvious though, they can been dealt with fairly easily.

    As for creepers, I've seen how quickly people can find out tons of personal information about other people that really no matter how careful you are, it can be done if someone wants it bad enough. You'd have to really be dilligent about not putting any photos anywhere at all on the internet to avoid the issue.

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    I do feel though what is the difference of posting a picture than having one in your siggy or avatar..Not like people can't copy it. Or when people write their name on the photo people can still snag it but that is just my opinion.

    The concern has crossed my mind, but I agree with what I quoted from Duffgurl.  Also, my facebook is not private, so if people really want pictures of my child, they are out there on the internet in places other than TB.   I just try to make sure there isn't anything shared online that might make my child feel uncomfortable in later years (i.e. naked bathtub photos).

    I will fully admit, I would probably feel very differently if myself or someone close to me was a victim of some creep stealing their pics of the internet for inappropriate use.  It just seems so unlikely to me, I don't really think about it much, even though I have heard it does happen.

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    I do feel though what is the difference of posting a picture than having one in your siggy or avatar..Not like people can't copy it. Or when people write their name on the photo people can still snag it but that is just my opinion.

    It took me a long time to decide to put DS's pic as my avatar. For the longest time, I just had one of the TB avatars. I put the picthere so that it would make ME look like less of a creeper since I took a 6 month break from TB. I remember someone posting a long, long time ago (not on this board, but I don't remember which one) about how no one would reply to her posts and that whatever board it was was "clique-ish." Someone replied to her that she should put siggy pics so that the other board members could get to know her/her LO and see that she wasn't some random person who didn't really belong there. Something like that.

    I feel like not posting pictures keeps me from participating in a lot of things and from being a bigger part of the group. But I can't get past my paranoia.

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    S-TunaS-Tuna member
    This whole debate is going to come down to, "Don't put anything on the Internet that you don't want anyone to know/see/find out." It is ridiculously easy to find out anything about a person who choses to participate in anything online, regardless of if pictures are posted or not.
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    I did update my siggy recently. But I don't usually participate in many picture posts (not that I've been around here much at all lately). I recently had an incident where one of my FB pictures was taken despite all of my efforts to keep my pics private, which has really made me a little more cautious about things.

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    Thank you for the responses. The comments about using different pics from FB make sense as far as keeping my identity private...not that I have anything to hide since I'm a rather boring person. And I know I can't completely control my (or DS's) internet presence thanks to people who see no issue with posting pics of other people without asking first. ladies are rather helpful in keeping me sane by providing insight and entertainment regarding LOs, so please forgive my paranoia and control issues Stick out tongue

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    I specifically don't post pictures for this reason. It makes me sad because I would like to share but I am overly paranoid because I think I remember I incident you are referring to. 
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    imagetb never forgets:

    I specifically don't post pictures for this reason. It makes me sad because I would like to share but I am overly paranoid because I think I remember I incident you are referring to. 

    let's not forget the time eesome got caught doing this...and now everyone is friends with her.

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    eesomeeesome member
    imagetb never forgets:

    I specifically don't post pictures for this reason. It makes me sad because I would like to share but I am overly paranoid because I think I remember I incident you are referring to. 

    let's not forget the time eesome got caught doing this...and now everyone is friends with her.

    Hahaha! I know who this is, but to be kind, I won't call you out.
    And for the record-- I never stole anyone's photos on this board. Ever. A total misunderstanding. :::yawns::: Old news!

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    Edit: I think you're right to be cautious.  I have some (bad) experience in this dept.  Be careful. :)

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    imagetb never forgets:

    I specifically don't post pictures for this reason. It makes me sad because I would like to share but I am overly paranoid because I think I remember I incident you are referring to. 

    let's not forget the time eesome got caught doing this...and now everyone is friends with her.

    Hahaha! I know who this is, but to be kind, I won't call you out.
    And for the record-- I never stole anyone's photos on this board. Ever. A total misunderstanding. :::yawns::: Old news!

    I totally wondered if this would come up!  

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