August 2011 Moms

Does your LO call you "mama" yet?

So does your LO call you mama, or mommy, or whatever you call yourself?  I thought by now DD would be calling me by my name (I usually call myself mama), but she hasn't yet.  For example, my girlfriend says her LO has been calling her ("ma, ma, ma!") from his crib in the morning for months.  DD doesn't do that yet, although sometimes if DH asks her, "Leah, where's mama?" she will point or look at me.  Not every time, but sometimes. Oh, I should add that she does say mama, but just not to me.  Not concerned, just curious.  :)
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Re: Does your LO call you "mama" yet?

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    Michaela looked at me yesterday, touched my nose and said "Mama". That was the first time she said mama to me. She has been babbling it for months. She will look at me if someone says where's momma.
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    Yes.  He calls me Mama.
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    Nope. Sometimes she starts with "mmmmmm" and that's it. She calls dh dadda all.of.the.time. Like pp, she will look at me if dh or someone will ask where's mamma.
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    He will crawl over me saying "mama mommieeeee" but I wouldn't say that he actually calls out to me "by name."
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    mine both don't :( They say "dada DADA" all friggin day and DH loves it but no "mama" at all yet
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    Nope, she doesn't call me mamma.  She can say momma and dadda but she doesn't call us that.
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    After spending the last 2 weeks with LO (we were on "vacation") the hubs and I feel like we've deciphered LO's communication.  He will happily crawl around saying dadadadada over and over if he is having fun.  However, if he is hungry, upset or wants something he will whine mamamamama.

    The only time he ever looked at one of us and said "da da" clear as day is when he was talking to me.  Go figure.  He also used to yell baaaaaaaaaaaa whenever he wanted me.  Awesome.

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    L calls me Ma <3 when he sees me or wants me he calls for me and he is now trying to say Da and Pa to his Daddy :-)
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    DD has said, "Ma ma ma" for a while now.  However, I recently realized that she only says it at mealtimes.  When she wants MORE.  Duh. 

    So no.  But she says "Da da" all day long.  And I'm fairly certain she is actually talking about him.

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    I've been wondering about this recently! P doesn't associate either me or DH with mama or dada. She will say the words randomly but never like to us. She does however say uh-oh, wow, dog, and has recently tried to say pretty. And she waves bye-bye but doesn't say that.
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    LJR 84LJR 84 member
    Yes...mostly when he's upset!
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    No mama yet, but he says dadadadada all the time, even when XH isn't around.
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    Thanks for all of your responses so far!  These LOs are so funny sometimes.  :)
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    Yep.  She calls me Mama and she calls my husband Daddy.  I'm trying to get her to say Mommy, but she continues to say Mama. 
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    Nope he says "da da" all day long, and he used to say mama, but he dropped it when he was learning to crawl and then walk.  Mama is slowly starting to come back, and he's adding other sounds to his vocabulary.  The only word that he says that I KNOW he understands is "Ut Oh"  LOL he says it all the time, and will intentionally drop something just so he can say it. 
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    Oh yeah.  Especially when he's hungry..."Mamamamamamamamama...."
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    Nope, she doesn't call me mamma.  She can say momma and dadda but she doesn't call us that.

    Us, too. We even try playing "where's mommy?" and "where's daddy?" She just laughs and looks around the room...She does understand "where's teddy?" though, so I know she gets the question, she just doesn't understand we are mommy and daddy.

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    Yup. She loves to call for me. And when she's upset, I get to hear a very whiney "Ma-ma!". She says Dada too but isn't as consistent with saying it to DH.  

    This exactly.



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    Like twice.  She's got daddy down.  
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    DD says the "mama" and "dada" sounds but not directed at us yet. She does not seem to have any interest. However, if I point to something and say the vocabulary word, she sometimes will say the first sound. Like, if I point to the dog and say "DOGGIE" she will say "dah!" Or, if I point to a book and say "BOOK!" she will say "bah!" but that's sporadically. She waves bye bye randomly too. That's about the extent of her interest.
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    After spending the last 2 weeks with LO (we were on "vacation") the hubs and I feel like we've deciphered LO's communication.  He will happily crawl around saying dadadadada over and over if he is having fun.  However, if he is hungry, upset or wants something he will whine mamamamama.

    Yes! This is what our DS does too! 

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    Thanks for sharing everyone!
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