January 2012 Moms

just another night of CIO

ya know, same old same old :P


I'm sitting here listening to my baby girl scream her brains out going in every 10 minutes... this is night 2 of hardcore sleep training. Anyways, i'm trying to distract myself so the crying doesn't get to me as much. last night was an hour and a half (not continuous, but still I have to add after that 1.5 hours, she DID fall asleep and STAYED asleep for 9 hours. yes that's right.) and I am wondering to myself how long this will take? I am having visions of myself sitting here for the next 3 months listening to her cry herself to sleep.


Anyone else gone through sleep training and survived?

eliza bopple
Eliza born 1-25-12
Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14

Re: just another night of CIO

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    I applaud your will. I attempted it last night and just couldn't handle it. DD used to sleep through the night just fine, but has been waking at 3, 4, 5, and 6 and taking half an hour to go back down. Needless to say, I'm pretty exhausted. 

    I'm really, really hoping this is just a phase and it will pass because I don't know if I can take another two weeks of this. Please let me know how it goes!  

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    I applaud your will. I attempted it last night and just couldn't handle it. DD used to sleep through the night just fine, but has been waking at 3, 4, 5, and 6 and taking half an hour to go back down. Needless to say, I'm pretty exhausted. 

    I'm really, really hoping this is just a phase and it will pass because I don't know if I can take another two weeks of this. Please let me know how it goes!  


    first off, your baby is adorable. I cannot handle the head tilt and she distracts me every time you post!


    secondly, maybe i'm a bad mom, totally insensitive, but this honestly isn't that hard and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I have convinced myself that this is absolutely the best thing for her and me. someone commented on a previous post of mine (i don't remember who) about how they are "robomom" at night. so as dumb as it sounds, that's what I have been pretending lol. I mean, getting up every hour to soothe is the kind of thing that makes me want to just jump off a cliff.


    Anyways, you should read this blog, it's a) hilarious and b) very helpful (to me at least) on how to do this... https://noobmommy.com/2008/11/to-ferberize-or-not-to-ferberize.html

    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    tonight was 55 minutes... she's been out for about 6 now, so hopefully that's it... i'll check back in the am though!

    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    I applaud your will. I attempted it last night and just couldn't handle it. DD used to sleep through the night just fine, but has been waking at 3, 4, 5, and 6 and taking half an hour to go back down. Needless to say, I'm pretty exhausted. 

    I'm really, really hoping this is just a phase and it will pass because I don't know if I can take another two weeks of this. Please let me know how it goes!  


    first off, your baby is adorable. I cannot handle the head tilt and she distracts me every time you post!


    secondly, maybe i'm a bad mom, totally insensitive, but this honestly isn't that hard and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I have convinced myself that this is absolutely the best thing for her and me. someone commented on a previous post of mine (i don't remember who) about how they are "robomom" at night. so as dumb as it sounds, that's what I have been pretending lol. I mean, getting up every hour to soothe is the kind of thing that makes me want to just jump off a cliff.


    Anyways, you should read this blog, it's a) hilarious and b) very helpful (to me at least) on how to do this... https://noobmommy.com/2008/11/to-ferberize-or-not-to-ferberize.html

    I'll definitely give it a read, and thanks about the baby! I want to nom on the cheeks of your LO. So friggin adorable.

    I don't think you're a bad mom or insensitive at all. I was all geared up to do it last night, but after an hour of going in every ten minutes, I got lazy. I knew she would fall asleep if I spent 20 minutes rocking her so that's what I did. What can I say? Real Houswives was coming on. 

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    I applaud your will. I attempted it last night and just couldn't handle it. DD used to sleep through the night just fine, but has been waking at 3, 4, 5, and 6 and taking half an hour to go back down. Needless to say, I'm pretty exhausted. 

    I'm really, really hoping this is just a phase and it will pass because I don't know if I can take another two weeks of this. Please let me know how it goes!  


    first off, your baby is adorable. I cannot handle the head tilt and she distracts me every time you post!


    secondly, maybe i'm a bad mom, totally insensitive, but this honestly isn't that hard and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I have convinced myself that this is absolutely the best thing for her and me. someone commented on a previous post of mine (i don't remember who) about how they are "robomom" at night. so as dumb as it sounds, that's what I have been pretending lol. I mean, getting up every hour to soothe is the kind of thing that makes me want to just jump off a cliff.


    Anyways, you should read this blog, it's a) hilarious and b) very helpful (to me at least) on how to do this... https://noobmommy.com/2008/11/to-ferberize-or-not-to-ferberize.html

    I'll definitely give it a read, and thanks about the baby! I want to nom on the cheeks of your LO. So friggin adorable.

    I don't think you're a bad mom or insensitive at all. I was all geared up to do it last night, but after an hour of going in every ten minutes, I got lazy. I knew she would fall asleep if I spent 20 minutes rocking her so that's what I did. What can I say? Real Houswives was coming on. 


    bahaha! well if you know it will work it's hard not to. unfortunately for me, even rocking doesn't work. she's a little monster, the cheeks are deceiving! however, each and every morning, no matter how bad the night was, she's a happy little monster... i'd like to be a happy momma in the morning too lol

    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    You two are too funny! I am currently CIO as well...my little girl was also being a monster (would try to jump out of my arms rocking her) so my dr and husband convinced me to CIO. This is only our second night so I am hoping it gets easier too! I'm not using any particular method...just going in every 10 minutes to rub her belly and offer the paci. She woke up before crying and I was gonna give it 5 minutes but she put herself to sleep...so hoping this is a good sign because last night was rough!! Good luck and post in the am about your progress. It's nice to know I'm not alone!! :)
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    Ugh. I was just telling my husband that we need to look into starting sleep training and your post has confirmed my feelings a bit.

    DS has started going down around 7:30, gets up around 12 to eat and goes right back down but then will get up again around  2 or 3 and not want to go back to sleep right away. He then is back up around 5:30 or 6. After 6 months of getting up, I'm tired.

    I'm going to keep reading your posts and updates for motivation.

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    DS just started fussing (not really crying). I gave him his pacifer, tapped his back and then walked out. He was looking around. I heard him fuss again but didn't go in. I just checked on him and he is sleeping again. I think this is the first time he has put himself to sleep. :)
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    We sleep trained a few weeks ago.  It isn't perfect because he's still waking a few times a night to feed, but it got a lot better after the first week.  Nowadays, he fusses for 10 minutes before going to sleep.  Now I just need to work on night weaning so he learns how to put himself back to sleep without needing a feeding.
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    I think it's time for us for some sleep training, too!

    We tried it here and there but just not consistent enough where it would make a difference. Over the past weekend I thought we finally got over the no sleeping which has been going on since DD was born but oh NO, Tuesday night we were back to waking up all the time with last night being horrible! Usually we can at least rock her to sleep but last night everything was a no go and she just cried!

    But I need to get H on board with this. I tried letting her cry for a bit longer but then he goes in there and saves her from the mean mother lol. And yes I feel bad, too but we need to fix this issue or it will only get worse. But MIL just said again recently that she's too little still for CIO method. So naturally that is what H goes by. If anything, I'll wait for our 6mo checkup next Friday and have the doc tell him that it's ok.

    All I know this can't go on much longer. I almost killed myself last Friday as I nearly fell asleep driving!

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    You two are too funny! I am currently CIO as well...my little girl was also being a monster (would try to jump out of my arms rocking her) so my dr and husband convinced me to CIO. This is only our second night so I am hoping it gets easier too! I'm not using any particular method...just going in every 10 minutes to rub her belly and offer the paci. She woke up before crying and I was gonna give it 5 minutes but she put herself to sleep...so hoping this is a good sign because last night was rough!! Good luck and post in the am about your progress. It's nice to know I'm not alone!! :)


     that's awesome!!! :D

    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    We went through sleep training and honestly it was the best decision we have made thus far.  We totally survived and DS goes down now with little fuss and sleeps from 6:30 pm to 6:00 am.  You can do it!  And the first few nights (maybe the first 3) were bad, but it got rapidly better.

    Smitty- one thing I found was that the checks were actually riling him up more.  He would never really calm down if we went in there... obviously I don't know your LO (aside from her being ridic cute) but maybe something to consider. 

    If DS is having a rough night or fighting a cold I'm still guilty of rocking him to sleep!  So far it hasn't really caused any major setback.

    Good luck mammas. 


    this was true for me as well. i felt like i was doing nothing to soothe her, she was honestly PISSED at me, kicking her legs and flailing about. buuuuuut she knew i was there and not abandoned and i think that's the important part!

    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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    DS just started fussing (not really crying). I gave him his pacifer, tapped his back and then walked out. He was looking around. I heard him fuss again but didn't go in. I just checked on him and he is sleeping again. I think this is the first time he has put himself to sleep. :)


    sounds like you've had a bit of luck! hopefully it lasts, but seriously, don't hesitate if you have to let him cry... because it sounds like he is ready to be self-soothing, he just needs a little "encouragement" LOL :) good luck mama!

    eliza bopple
    Eliza born 1-25-12
    Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
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