December 2010 Moms

Good touch/bad touch

When do you think our LOs will be old enough to start introducing this discussion?  I really wasn't thinking it would be anytime real soon, and then someone I know said she started around 2 years old.  That seems awfully young.  Granted, G is not 2 yet, but it's hard to imagine her being able to grasp that concept in a few months.  Thoughts?


Re: Good touch/bad touch

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    I would think not until they are at least potty trained?  I can't imagine trying to get my DD to understand this concept (at all now but) while attempting to clean poo out of her lady parts during diaper change.  I think they need to have a better understanding of their own bodies before this could begin to be something they could grasp.
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    Two seems very early to me unless there's a specific reason for concern.

    I think their own sense of modesty and privacy evolves naturally after they're potty trained and have more of a sense of self and indepence. I think that's probably a good time to integrate some of those messages.

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