December 2010 Moms

Jillybean - bottle battle?

How is the bottle battle going in your house? Last I read you were ditching them all b/c you and the hubs were at odds over what to do.

How is it going? Hope that little man of yours is doing well!

And...because you're a teacher...


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Re: Jillybean - bottle battle?

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    Bwahahaha, I love it!!!!

    We are doing well with the bottle battle.  After that one night, I put the bottles in a hard to reach place in our kitchen (I didn't throw them out...we actually still use them with the cap to store milk from almost empty gallons when we run out of room in our fridge)No bottles have been used since then.  Good thing I didn't throw them out, becuase then my nephew came over and my SIL forgot her bottles so I needed to give him one, haha!

    Luckily, A has started sleeping all the way through the night again and not waking up the last 1.5 weeks, so no one has even mentioned a bottle, not even him!  I also get him to drink his whole cup at night by putting on Super Why and sitting with him on the couch and kind of just sticking the straw in his mouth from time to time. Is that the best way? Probably not, but there are worse things, I think!

    Thanks for checking in! :)  Hope everyone else's bottle/pacifier battles are going well...

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