March 2012 Moms

True Story: (cp from sahms)

Funny story. We went to get a couple slurpees (free today because it's 7/11), and walk into 7/11 with DD. They have the little free cups behind the counter, so we ask for two. The cashier hands us 3. The following conversation ensues:

DH: Oh, oops, you gave me 3.

Cashier: No, no, the 3rd one is for the baby.

DH: *laughs* She's only 4 months, we're not letting her have slurpees yet. 

Cashier: *looking confused* Why? It's so hot out... it would cool her down.

DH: *realizing she is serious* We dont believe she's old enough to have sugary drinks, she's not even eating anything but milk yet. We keep her cool enough already.

Cashier: *rolls her eyes* You do whatever you think is best. My babies have always enjoyed munching on the ice, it cools them down and they've turned out fine. I think it's kinda mean to not give her any. But it's your choice!


Not even joking. I mean, I cant remember it word for word, but I'm not exaggerating at all. DH took the 3rd cup... more slurpee for us hahaha! But seriously?? She was so condescending.... like WE were the crazy ones! Phffff...

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