I'm sorry mommy has been so exhausted lately. Hopefully the energy returns in the next couple of weeks.
Love, Mommy
Dear DH,
No, I didn't forget where the dishwasher is, I just can't stomach the smell of the dirty dishes without wanting to puke. Which I proved to you last night when you came home to puke in the sink. Maybe now you'll learn to keep your mouth shut.
Dear Dr. Who Prescribed My Mom a Disgusting Amount of Narcotic Pain Medication for the Last FIVE Years:
My mother raised five children-loving mom and wife and daughter. She handled every school event, sporting event, doctors appointments, college applications, , various civic appointments, weddings, baby showers, fixed boo boos and broken hearts for the last 35 years, made sure we attended church each Sunday, taught us strength, confidence, kindness responsibility. After botched spine surgery, when she could take it no longer, you began prescribing her narcotic medication. And even though all research shows it is highly addictive, should be prescribed in minor doses for short term, we've learned you've been doling it out for YEARS. She quit it ON HER OWN. She detoxed HERSELF. But what my family is left with is a mother who seems to have lost her mind. Grandchildren wondering why they haven't seen their loving Grandmother. She's angry, anxious, and calling us from a rehab she voluntarily checked into confused about why she's there. We don't even know how we're going to afford this, and there are no guarantees it will even work. We don't know whether she will ever be the same, whether her mind will function properly again, anything. My family is falling apart, because of you and your irresponsible, reprehensible behavior and your very clear failing "to do no harm."
Enjoy your fancy car and home and vacations for now. I will do everything in my power to make sure you lose them all.
Get your lazyass out of bed. In case you forgot, I am on bedrest. You, my dear, are not working and need to get up and freaking take care of our son. I don't care if you came to bed at 230. Perhaps if you didn't sleep until 10-11 you could fall asleep earlier. Until then, eff off and get down here.
Thank you for arriving and keeping me busy for the next few weeks. We are going on vacation for three weeks and I need this time to pass quickly. If its not too much trouble, could you keep me busy a little longer this time so I don't have to hear my supervisor complain that I'm not busy enough?
Signed- Need my supervisor off my back
Dear DH,
I really don't have any words besides thank you. We've always had up's and downs, but these last few weeks we have finally "clicked" and life doesn't really seem like hard work anymore. I hope we have more times like this .
Finally getting to enjoy life
Dear Mom,
I don't understand how you can get pissed off at ME for unplugging the washing machine. I have asked you for two months to NOT do our laundry yet you continue to do what you want to do, and get mad at me for not being grateful. Since asking you 87 different ways to do something with no response I've taken it upon myself to remedy the situation, now you CAN'T do the laundry.
Daughter who doesn't want to spend her free time undoing everything you do and redoing it
Dear future Au Pair,
Where are you? I'm sure it usually takes a while to find you, but since I'm just about to kill my mom I'd really appreciate it if you could find me so we can get this going.
Host Mom who doesn't want to go to jail for murdering her mother
Thank you thank you thank you for turning my wallet in to the lost and found for public transit. I had been tearing the house apart, thinking DD took it out of my bag and hid it somewhere. You even left the very small amount of money still in there. I wish I knew who you were so that I could give you a hug and maybe buy you lunch or something.
I love you and you're getting so big! I love when you sleep through the night. Please be patient with Mama, work is a lot rough right now.
Dear DH,
Love you. Always.
Dear Customers,
Perhaps you don't know this, but when huge weather events occur, they remarkably hit more people than yourself. Please don't call me 15 times a day to tell me to work harder - your neighbors are doing the same thing.
Dear Boss,
Shut it. See above note and just ask how you can help!
Re: Open Letter Wednesday
Dear DS,
I'm sorry mommy has been so exhausted lately. Hopefully the energy returns in the next couple of weeks.
Love, Mommy
Dear DH,
No, I didn't forget where the dishwasher is, I just can't stomach the smell of the dirty dishes without wanting to puke. Which I proved to you last night when you came home to puke in the sink. Maybe now you'll learn to keep your mouth shut.
Love, Your Wife
Dear Friday,
Hurry up!
Much Thanks, Me
Dear Previous Co-worker,
Thanks for the subpoena, I really didn't have enough going on, I'd love to get involved in your drama.
Dear DH,
Thanks for being my punching bag this week, I'll try to do better.
Dear LO,
3 a.m. is not really morning and I really don't feel like playing at that time, no matter how much you smile at me.
Dear Dr. Who Prescribed My Mom a Disgusting Amount of Narcotic Pain Medication for the Last FIVE Years:
My mother raised five children-loving mom and wife and daughter. She handled every school event, sporting event, doctors appointments, college applications, , various civic appointments, weddings, baby showers, fixed boo boos and broken hearts for the last 35 years, made sure we attended church each Sunday, taught us strength, confidence, kindness responsibility. After botched spine surgery, when she could take it no longer, you began prescribing her narcotic medication. And even though all research shows it is highly addictive, should be prescribed in minor doses for short term, we've learned you've been doling it out for YEARS. She quit it ON HER OWN. She detoxed HERSELF. But what my family is left with is a mother who seems to have lost her mind. Grandchildren wondering why they haven't seen their loving Grandmother. She's angry, anxious, and calling us from a rehab she voluntarily checked into confused about why she's there. We don't even know how we're going to afford this, and there are no guarantees it will even work. We don't know whether she will ever be the same, whether her mind will function properly again, anything. My family is falling apart, because of you and your irresponsible, reprehensible behavior and your very clear failing "to do no harm."
Enjoy your fancy car and home and vacations for now. I will do everything in my power to make sure you lose them all.
Disgusted, Saddened and Worried
Get your lazyass out of bed. In case you forgot, I am on bedrest. You, my dear, are not working and need to get up and freaking take care of our son. I don't care if you came to bed at 230. Perhaps if you didn't sleep until 10-11 you could fall asleep earlier. Until then, eff off and get down here.
Dear Quarter end,
Thank you for arriving and keeping me busy for the next few weeks. We are going on vacation for three weeks and I need this time to pass quickly. If its not too much trouble, could you keep me busy a little longer this time so I don't have to hear my supervisor complain that I'm not busy enough?
Need my supervisor off my back
Dear DH,
I really don't have any words besides thank you. We've always had up's and downs, but these last few weeks we have finally "clicked" and life doesn't really seem like hard work anymore. I hope we have more times like this
Finally getting to enjoy life
Dear Mom,
I don't understand how you can get pissed off at ME for unplugging the washing machine. I have asked you for two months to NOT do our laundry yet you continue to do what you want to do, and get mad at me for not being grateful. Since asking you 87 different ways to do something with no response I've taken it upon myself to remedy the situation, now you CAN'T do the laundry.
Daughter who doesn't want to spend her free time undoing everything you do and redoing it
Dear future Au Pair,
Where are you? I'm sure it usually takes a while to find you, but since I'm just about to kill my mom I'd really appreciate it if you could find me so we can get this going.
Host Mom who doesn't want to go to jail for murdering her mother
Dear Anonymous Awesome Person -
Thank you thank you thank you for turning my wallet in to the lost and found for public transit. I had been tearing the house apart, thinking DD took it out of my bag and hid it somewhere. You even left the very small amount of money still in there. I wish I knew who you were so that I could give you a hug and maybe buy you lunch or something.
Sincerely, Very Thankful.
Dear Bumpies,
Dear DD,
I love you and you're getting so big! I love when you sleep through the night. Please be patient with Mama, work is a lot rough right now.
Dear DH,
Love you. Always.
Dear Customers,
Perhaps you don't know this, but when huge weather events occur, they remarkably hit more people than yourself. Please don't call me 15 times a day to tell me to work harder - your neighbors are doing the same thing.
Dear Boss,
Shut it. See above note and just ask how you can help!
WOW I feel better